I know it seems crazy that I'm tryingso hard to get Lyn to like me considering allthe drama and never ending mess I put herthrough or say behind her back, but Ibelieve that if I can get her to like me or even pretend to be on good terms with her,she'll accept me being in Christopher's life.Even though I don't really care for his family,they still have to accept me, and I figuredthat if I pretend to be nice to them, Lynespecially, they'll forget all about the essayscam and we can move forward, so that hisfamily will be more accepting of ourrelationship."Ready to go babydoll?" Christopherasked entering Lyn's room without knocking.I guess he heard us talking through thewooden walls. I nodded my head a climbedoff Lyn's bed, collecting my purse. Shedidn't say anything to us as we left.The car ride back to grandmas waspretty quiet except for the radio playingsome old school country music. When wefinally made it back to Grandma's, Pa wentback inside, but Christopher and I sat in thetruck a while longer."Did you know your sister takes birthcontrol?" I asked. "Yeah.""Why?""To gain weight, I don't know."Christopher shrugged. I rolled my eyes atthat thought, like Lyn needs to gain anymore weight.The rest of the weekend, I sat andthought about the possible reasons why shewould have a prescription like that, and Icame up with two scenarios, one: she'ssexually active and her mom knows anddemanded she take the pill or two: they'renot actually hers and she pops them just forfun. Both scenarios lead to be bad, she waseither a slut or a druggie.I talked to grandma about howuncomfortable Lyn taking those pills mademe feel, and for a second I thought shemight back me up, but instead, shedefended Lyn!"Girls take birth control for a lot ofreasons, LeighAnn. Some need to gainweight, some need regulation. You can't just assume, that makes an ass out of meand you." Tears started to roll down mycheeks. Grandma is so intimidating. I don'tknow what upset me more, the fact thatgrandma defended her and could possiblybe correct or the fact that she called me anass for telling her my observations.Either way, I didn't acre. I wiped mytears and acted like they never came,continuing to believe what I wanted aboutLyn. I don't think she completely caught onto how Lincoln folks are yet, so I grabbedmy phone and texted the one person who Iknew gossiped, Gene."Lyn takes pills," was all Isaid. I never received a response; however Iknew how he reacted. He'd start crying, andnow he's so mad that he'll give Lyn thesilent treatment at school on Monday andshe'll be upset because she won't knowwhat's going on. My adrenaline kicked inthinking about Gene's reaction, and I couldn't wait to get to school for the firsttime in my life.Christopher and I were joininggrandma for dinner. She mad salad, andsurprisingly, Christopher ate an entire bowlof it, even though it was drenched in ranch.Still though, him eating a little bit of greenswas a start.After dinner, we decided to headback to the apartment. On the way there,Christopher pulled into the Hardee's drivethru, asking if I wanted anything."You just ate Christopher!" I yelled,not caring that our classmate working thespeaker could hear me."I'm still hungry." He argued, andthen proceeded to order twocheeseburgers and a large coke."I didn't want one." I snapped as hepulled up to the window."Those are for me." He said. I rolledmy eyes. I waited for him to pull off beforejumping on his case. "Did the talk with Pa not teach youanything? You're going to die before thirtyif you don't stop.""I ate salad today.""Did you lose any weight though? No.Why, because you can't eat one saladcovered in dressing and think you'rehealthy. You'll never be healthy eating thatgarbage!" Without thinking, I pulled thesecond burger form the bag and chucked itout the window; he had already started onthe other. His face became bright red, andhe punched the steering wheel."Why did you do that, LeighAnn?That burger costs four dollars!" Hecontinued to swear at me all the way backto the apartment, but I ignored him.I had to wait for him to climb thestairs and unlock the door before enteringthe apartment. We lived on the secondfloor, which were about twenty steps.When Christopher reached the top, he wasbreathless, exhaling twice as hard. I bit my tongue as to not erupt him any further, andproceeded inside behind him.He threw the wrapper to his burger inthe corner on the floor then headedstraight to the bedroom. A slob, I'm dating aslob.
Toxic: A Sociopath Novel
General FictionLeighAnn is living life as a teenage sociopath. She was raised by her rich grandparents in a town so small that a new comer gets noticed immediately. LeighAnn is such a spoiled brat that she can't stand not being the center of attention in any situa...