Chapter 7

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Christopher and I skipped schoolagain today. I cried during my persuasion sothat it would look legit. I'm so embarrassedabout yesterday that I plan on avoidingschool for as long as I can. Today was a usual, long day. I was atthe apartment by my lonesome for abouttwo hours, but they dragged. Christopherinformed me that he was getting Lyn out ofschool during lunchtime because shedeserved a good meal, and because he'simmediate family, he was allowed to collecther. He also brought in a fake doctor's noteso that he could continue playing hookywithout any suspicions."How was your sibling date?" I askedwhen Christopher rushed through the door.He plopped himself on the couch thenbegan describing their lunch to the best ofhis short memory."It was good. I took her to WaffleHouse and told her about the day wewillingly skipped school. You know, that herbig brother was no longer abstinent. I toldher that I didn't want her traveling downthe same path. I don't want my baby sisterhating herself because some low life boytook advantage of her then dumped her to the rats. Not that I did that to you, I justknow how I was raised, and how theseLincoln boys were raised. I did my best toencourage her to keep her innocence, atleast until she's absolutely certain she'sfound the man she's vowing too.""Why do you care?" I tried to actnonchalant rather than harsh."Why do I care about my sister?""Why do you care about thedecisions she makes? It's her life; she'lldestroy it if she wants too.""I care about her safety, LeighAnn. Icare about her health. She's my sister andnothing will ever change that. As an olderbrother, it's my responsibility to protecther." He argued, starting to get snippy."If that's true, then why didn't youprotect her from me? Why did you let hertake detention? Why didn't you defend heragainst Dirtdan? Why did you not tattle onme? We were yelling at each other now. "Nobody in this town gave her achance! She moved here anew, a start to bewhoever she wanted to be and everybodydestroyed her one shot. None of this is herfault, and you know that. You andeverybody else should feel like trash!" Hewalked out of the door leaving behind aslam. I looked out the window to watch hisnext move. He climbed in his pathfinder anddrove off. I tried calling him but onlyreceived his voicemail. I texted him."Where are you going?" Iwaited for a reply and when I didn't get one,I triple texted him."Christopher!""Hello?" I tried calling him oncemore but this time it immediately went tovoicemail. He turned his phone off! I wasinfuriated. I texted Taylor and told her whatwas going on with Christopher, and weended up in a deep conversation aboutCourtney. The result ended up being thatshe didn't care. Not about Courtney, about mine and Christopher's fighting habits. Iasked her why she changed the subject ofmy rant, and received the snobbiest textI've ever seen in my life."I just don't care." Shesaid. "Every time you two argueyou tell me about it and youtwo either need to break upor learn to grab yourinsecurities and flush themdown the toilet." I stared at hermessage for quite some time beforeanswering with the simple eleventh letterof the alphabet.It seems like each year, Taylorbecomes more arrogant, and I lose herpiece by piece. It's probably because of thenew thug she's got in her life, hugeemphasis on the word 'thug.' Her new manis a pimp, and not the good kind. Needlessto say, she'll never run out of money, Iguess. Although, she'd never be poorbecause of her grandparents. They're superrich, and I think that's what draws me too her, the fact that she understands what it'slike to grow up with money. Why she feelsthe need to engage herself with a pimp isbeyond my knowledge, but if that's thepath she chooses to take then all I can do iswish her luck.Some odd moments later, I finally gotan answer back from Christopher. Hisphone died, he claimed. I declared bull crapbecause he always keeps a spare charger inhis Pathfinder. He then proceeded to tellme that there was no outlet where he went,and I popped the question:"Where did you go?" Heprocrastinated on answering me back. I hadto double-text him, stating his name, tryingto sound stern despite the fact we weretexting."I was on the dirt road."He finally sent. I shook my head in disgust.The dirt road is an abandoned, rocky roadwhere kids from Lincoln go to drink, doillegal drugs, and have sex. Once I read that Christopher was there, I knew immediatelythat he had been with Brad again. I let outa loud sigh, wishing he was in the flesh tohear my annoyance.I stopped responding after that andwent to take a nap. I'll just deal with himwhenever he decides to come home.I opened my eyes slightly to thesound of the door shutting. I jumped wildlywhen I woke up to Christopher rapidlyshaking my shoulder. He smelled delightful,the sweet smell of apricots andhoneysuckles. I stretched in my covers,taking in his sweet scent, momentarilyforgetting why I was mad at him. He leanedin to cuddle me, and I pulled away. Hesmacked his lips, and then proceeded towalk towards the bedroom door."I don't want you hanging aroundBrad." I said, once his back was turnedtowards me. He stopped in his tracks. Hedidn't turn back around to look at me. "I can't be friends with him becauseyou don't like Courtney right now?" To mysurprise, he was calm."You can't be friends with himbecause he's a bad influence." He didn'trespond, but I knew he didn't agree withme. He just continued to walk in thedirection of the kitchen, probably to eat hisfeelings. Although I knew this time it wasbecause of the munchies, either way, heneeds to slow down. He's going to have aheart attack at seventeen.I swallowed my pride and decided tojoin him in the living room. He wasmunching on a giant bowl of cereal. I sighedand grabbed the TV remote, turning to amovie we could watch together. While heate, I texted his mom:"You need to talk to yourson. He's going to killhimself due to his eatinghabits.""You know he won't listento me, LeighAnn. He'll just tell me that he's aware. Seeif your grandfather can talkto him, he listens to yourgrandparents." As much as I hated toadmit it, she was absolutely right.Christopher listens to my grandparentsbecause he knows if he messes up, he'll loseme. If Pa can't change him, there's no hopeleft.

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