Chapter 22

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School the following Monday waschaotic. Wright got taken out of class by apolice officer and I was called into the officeby Dr. How. Christopher's mom was sittingin front of his desk when I got there."LeighAnn," he greeted and thenmotioned for me to take a seat. "It has beenbrought to my attention that Christopherand Wright Jacob got into a bit of a hassle. Iwas hoping you could shine some light onthe situation." I nodded inacknowledgement and agreement. I tried tomake myself sound as innocent as possible,even though I actually was this time. "Lyn had this dream, a sortof...inappropriate dream all because Wrightsent her a real message claiming to dosome sinful things to her and Christopherdidn't take too kindly to that." Dr. Hownodded, showing that he understood."Okay," he started. "Well, I havesome news." He sighed. "Christopher is on atwo week suspension and this alsoeliminates your chance of going to prom." Iswallowed hard, debating with myself if Ishould tell him that Christopher gotarrested. I bit my lip and then arguedagainst the prom statement."We paid thirty dollars for those promtickets!""Not my problem," Dr. How persisted.I slammed my body against the back of mychair and slumped. Dr. How handedChristopher's mom his suspension papersand then she checked me out for the rest ofthe day. When we got to Christopher's house,I jumped up and down like a kid in a candyshop when I saw Christopher propped upon the couch."You're home, you're home!" I yelledand ran over to kiss him. "Are you okay?How was jail? Was it cold? Were youscared?""I never went.""What?""I never went. The officer put me inhandcuffs to escort me away from thescene, then he asked me for my addressand drove me here, giving me a warningthen let me go.""Where's your car? What aboutWright?""My car got towed here; it's aroundback, where I usually park. I'm not surewhat's going to happen to Wright.""I thought he was pressing charges.""Do you really think a cop would gothrough with a whole court trial because of some stupid kids?" Christopher questioned.I shrugged my shoulders, not really knowingthe answer. Christopher's mom came intothe living room and snatched the televisionremote, turning to channel 3, which forsome reason was Lincoln's 'Channel 2:Action News.' There was a story about theentire incident with Christopher and Wright.Lyn quietly joined us as the news anchorspoke, stating that no charges would bepressed but that Wright was going onprobation, and then continued to talk aboutwhy bullying is bad and how to protectyourself from sexual predators."And all he wanted was a good time,"I started. "Jesus Lyn! Why couldn't you justsleep with the boy?" Lyn's mom cleared herthroat, but we all ignored her."First of all, he asked me to promthen got mad when I rejected him, but if hewas going to fuck me against my own will,then he would've gotten what he wanted,right? Then all you little shits at Lincoln High can talk about how 'cool' he is for bangingthe 'Southern Yankee' but call me a 'slut'right?" I opened my mouth but then closedit again, actually realizing that I couldn'targue. "Exactly, now you have nothing tosay. I just want to be left alone and I guessthat means I have a lot to change aboutmyself, so for now, I am done and I meanthat LeighAnn, I'm done." She stormed intoher bedroom. Christopher, their mom, and Ilooked back and forth from each other,trying to soak in what just happened."Mom, what do you think she meantby 'I need to change a lot about myself'?"Christopher asked. His mom put her handon the back of his head."I don't know honey." She answeredand the tried a knock on Lyn's door. She gotno response and gave up, shrugging hershoulders and disappearing into her ownbedroom. "You're stupid Christopher, you knowthat? You're really stupid." I crossed myarms pouting."What'd I do now LeighAnn?""We can't go to prom all because youbeat the crap out of a sophomore!""What else was I supposed to do, lethim harm my sister?""She's a big girl. She can fight herown battles. It's really funny how at firstyou didn't even care about her and now allof a sudden you've become Superman.""She is my baby sister and I willalways care about her. She and the rest ofmy family will come before you from nowon and if you can't deal with that then getout." My mouth opened in pure shock, andbefore I knew it, my arms were unfoldedand the palm of my hand vibrated his leftcheek."Fuck, LeighAnn!" He yelled. "I'm sickof you hitting me! It hurts!""Well I'm sick of you being stupid." "Will the two of you shut up!" Lynhollered, emerging from her room. "If youhit my brother again, I will fuck your worldup." I rolled my eyes."Yeah, yeah, that's what you said lasttime." I giggled a bit and then Lyn startedrunning at me and before I had time toreact, she had a fist full of my hair, yankinghard."I told you that I was done and Imeant it. Keep pushing me LeighAnn. Karmais a bitch and you're not going to like her."

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