Burt And Charles' Backstory

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Burt and Charles were raised in the Toppat Clan, alongside Sven Svensson (His backstory explained later) Unlike Sven, they weren't adopted.

Their father Harrison Calvin (my OC) was Terrence Suave's Right Hand Man before Terrence was overthrown. He was cold and calculating, the opposite of the reckless and impulsive Terrence. But the two were good friends.

Terrence was the twin's godfather, and visited them often. He nicknamed them Blackberry and Razzberry, or the Berry Twins if he was referring to both of them. He was practically their second father.

But just because Terrence and Harrison were good at parenting didn't mean they were good leaders. 

Harrison was too much of a planner, and not enough of a doer. He would spend days or weeks preparing raids and heists that ended up being scrapped, recovered months later, fixed, and scrapped again. It was an endless cycle, and Harrison ended up neglecting his duties as the Right Hand because of it.

Terrence was the opposite. He did things and made gambles without a second thought, often not looking back at the consequences afterwards. He could be halfway through a life threatening endeavor and only just start to realize this was a bad idea. And, of course, he sent people on raids that made no sense, just for the thrill of it.

Slowly but surely, the Toppat Clan was being torn apart by their combined faults. Neither Harrison nor Terrence were actually fit to be leaders, although they tried their hardest.

When Burt and Charles were both 17- Sven 16- the situation came to a head.

Reginald and Right (His nickname back then, which would eventually end up sticking as his title) had been raising support to have a shift in power. It wasn't meant to be a violent transition, but Terrence found out and ended up completely overreacting.

The Toppat Clan was an inch away from civil war, and Burt and Charles were forced to take a side.

Burt knew Terrence and Harrison were inept leaders. He wasn't blind. He chose to side with Reginald and Right.

The fate of the Toppats was balancing on a string, but it was Charles' decision that sealed it.

Charles ran away.

He had never been a good Toppat. He preferred straightforward, honest conversations. He felt guilty about hurting anyone. He would rather return stolen items than use them. And he had a great fascination with flying vehicles, something that was prohibited from him due to being underage.

So when he was forced to choose a side, the entire Clan's leadership depending on him, Charles couldn't do it. He left.

One or two years of civil war later, since both of the sides of the war were about equally matched, Reginald's side won, and he became the new Toppat leader.

But during the Denouncement Ceremony, Terrence- more hot headed and furious than ever- managed to find a gun and shot Reginald, hoping to get one last revenge against the person who, in his mind, had rebelled against him.

At least, his idea was to shoot Reginald. Burt got in the way.

And I don't mean prevented Terrence in some way. I mean he literally jumped in front of Reginald and blocked the bullet.

Burt woke up in a hospital about three or four weeks later, with Sven sitting in a chair next to him. Sven started crying when he noticed Burt was awake.

Burt soon found out that Terrence and Harrison were hunted down after the Denouncement Ceremony for the attempted murder of Reginald Copperbottom and the supposed murder of Burt Calvin. He also found out that it had been a very touch-and-go recovery, the bullet having been about a centimeter away from his heart and immediate death, which was why Sven had cried when he'd realized Burt was awake and alive.

Even though Burt argued with the doctors that he was fine, the doctors made him spend an entire six months in the hospital to make sure there were no side effects. He had been literally inches away from death, after all.

Burt spent the time learning coding and computers, which he was surprisingly good at. He also started learning French, Spanish, and Swedish with Sven- who visited him almost every day. The two would spend hours at a time, practicing together.

Reginald, who knew exactly how close he'd been to death and that it was only thanks to the younger Toppat that he was alive, offered to return the favor in any way Burt asked. After all, the only reason he was still alive today was because of him.

Burt simply responded that anyone would have done the same, and it had mostly been an unthinking automatic response, rather than a conscious choice. If he had known how long he'd be stuck in a boring hospital room, the younger Toppat added, he would have chosen not to.

Even though Burt brushed it off, Reginald couldn't forget his brave act. He wanted to repay him, but didn't know how.

Reginald went to Right, his lifelong friend and most trusted companion (And husband), and Right just responded in his characteristically blunt way, "Don't pressure 'im, Reg. He's just had a hard time. Let 'im rest for now."

Mindful of his husband's advice, Reginald let it go for a while. After Burt's complete recovery, however, he gave the younger Toppat the choice of whatever faction/sector of Toppat he wanted to work in. To his surprise, Burt chose Communications, one of the smallest and most unimportant Toppat sectors.

"I just want to be irrelevant for a while," Burt had said. "Being important isn't my thing."

Reginald, despite not understanding his choice, accepted it. A few months after Burt joined the Communications sector, the former Head of Communications retired and he was promoted.

It was only then that Burt discovered that a helicopter going by the name of Calvin had been doing missions around the Toppat Airship for the past year or so.

Burt told Sven, his closest friend, and had a breakdown about it. Sven suggested trying to put Charles out of his mind and focusing on life for a while.

Because of this, Burt decided to go by his mother's maiden name, Curtis, instead of Charles.


I hope you guys like this backstory! It ended up being a lot more detailed than I originally planned, but I think it makes sense. If it doesn't, ask about what's confusing you and I'll elaborate on it.

Hopefully it makes sense though.

I hope y'all have a nice day, or night, depending on where you're at, and I'll catch y'all later!

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