Part 1 💤Meeting💤

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"Mum?! Dad!?" Tubbo asked, tears in his eyes.

I fall to my knees in tears. "MUM, DAD, WAKE UP!"

I wished in that moment, I wished that he never asked his parents to go get him party supplies. I wished I had told them to go into the much studied truck. I wished he had never gotten that call from the hospital.

But they were dead. He couldn't escape the cold lifeless look in his dad's eyes. His mom was covered in scars, from the accident.

"TOMMY! TOMMY!" Tubbo yelled at him. "TOMMY!!!"

I shoot awake, drenched in sweat with Tubbo leaning over me, his hand on my shoulder.

"To- Tubbo?" I ask, a little dazed.

"You were shaking." He says, relieved.

"Oh, sorry. Let's go back to sleep, together." I say.

Tubbo nods, and crawls into the bed, passed out in seconds.

It had been a year since the brothers had lost their parents. They were moved to an orphanage, because they had no living family left. Tubbo had just celebrated his tenth birthday, making them only three years apart in age.

Tubbo began softly snoring, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I look at Tubbo and play with his hair. Tomorrow we have didn't have school, so I didn't have to worry about his bullies, or my own for that matter.

Tubbo mumbles something and turns to bury his head in my chest. I softly laugh. Tubbo was the sweetest brother I could ever have.

I wish I was like that. I know I'm loud and abrasive. I cross lines and hurt peoples feelings. I'm horrible. I caused my parents deaths. I hate myself so much.

I just hope that I can get Tubbo somewhere good in life.

—-time skip—/


I jolt awake, seeing Mrs. Parker yelling in our faces. I shake Tubbo awake, softly while he stirs.

"What?" I ask, putting on a rude tone. I've never liked Mrs. Parker. She was always a strict woman and punished children the harshest out of every other employee at the orphanage.

She sighs, seeing Tubbo sit up. "Tom, Toby, a family has come to visit you. Be on your best behavior, you might get adopted.

Tubbo's eyes light up as he excitedly hops out of bed, picking up a change of clothes for both of us.

"Meet me downstairs in fifteen minutes or less." She says, walking out of our shared room and closing our door.

"Adopted! Tubbo, you're going to get adopted, I can feel it!" I said, excited.

"You are too, Tommy! We might find a home, finally!" He says.

We both change, my back to Tubbo. I don't want him to comment on my weight again. I have been getting thinner. Eating made me feel sick, and wrong. I can't stand it.

We brush our teeth and I brush Tubbo's hair, a habit I had to get into after Mum died. He's too scared of scalp pain to do it himself.

We run downstairs, meeting Mrs. Parker. She silently takes us to a room we'd been in so many times before. I gulp, anxiety overwhelming me.

You can't ruin this for Tubbo.

We walk in, seeing a tall man with a white and green hat, and two teenagers, one with he bushy brown hair and the other with thinner,but still thick, long pink hair.

SBI + Tubbo Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now