Chapter 8

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The plan ride seemed to go by pretty quickly. Stephanie had spent the majority of the flight sleeping on me. So I took the chance to just relax and watch some movies. It had been a while since I just chilled. 

"Flight attendants prepare cabin for landing," The pilot said from the intercom. I shook Stephanie awake, "We are about to land love," I said kissing her forehead. "Woah, I slept like that entire ride," She said straightening up in her chair. 

"Are you excited?" I asked already knowing the answer. She had a huge smile plastered across her face. "Beyond excited. I haven't seen Nicole in forever," I could tell she had really missed her sister. She was always staying up late to talk to her and I could tell they had a really strong bond. "I'm excited too," I said as the plane hit the floor. "I'm glad, oh and beware. My family is extremely loud," I laughed. 

After we got off the plan we went to baggage claim to pick up our luggage which took a while considering Stephanie packed half of her closet. We loaded it into the car that her parents had rented us. Stephanie took the seat at the wheel and we began to drive. "It might take a while. It's kinda far way," Stephanie said. Kathryn laughed, "But don't worry Stephanie drives like a NASCAR driver so we will be there in half the time." Stephanie laughed, "I don't drive that fast," Kathryn rolled her eyes and mumbled, "Mmmhhhhmmm," Stephanie ignored her and turned up the radio. 

After about an hour of driving we finally stopped. We had entered a small little town with local markets and a couple vineyards here and there. It looked like a movie town, where everyone rode bikes everywhere. "This is a nice town," Liam said obviously observing the same things I was. "It's like heaven. No one bothers you here," Kathryn said lowering the music. 

We began to drive down a long driveway. We pulled up at this huge estate. Stephanie parked the car by the front door. "Well this is it. Welcome to our vineyard," Stephanie said unbuckling and getting out of the car. The rest of us followed Liam gave me the 'damn is this real' look as we got out of the car. We had seen some pretty nice things in the past couple of years but this was defiantly one of the nicest. 

"Y'all don't need to get the bags Sam will get them," Kathryn said taking Liam's hand and leading him to the door. Stephanie took hold of mine and we walked to the door, "Don't be intimidated by my dad." Stephanie said as she knocked on the door. "Why would we be scared of him?" Liam asked puzzled. "He's crazy tall and has a really deep voice, but he is super chill. Don't worry," Kathryn said as the door pulled open. 


Caroline and Nicole opened the door. We screamed and I gave my sister a huge hug. Kathryn did the same to her sister. I was so glad to see Nicole she looked so different. She looked a lot older. Caroline did too. They both had recently gotten married and it was weird to think our sisters actually had husbands. 

They both gave Liam and Harry hugs and welcomed them into our house. The first 15 minutes of being in the house had been a whirl wind of hugs and it was a bit overwhelming for me. I looked at the boys and they were doing their best to keep up with all the names and intensity that was in the room. My mom noticed and whispered into my ear, "Why don't you take the boys to the room and they can get ready for dinner," I nodded and grabbed the boys. "Sorry for the craziness, but welcome to the family," I said and they laughed. "I liked it, you guys all seem to really like each other," Harry said as we walked down stairs to our rooms. "That's how it works here. We are all one big happy family," Kathryn said as we showed the boys their room. "Hope y'all don't mind but your going to have to share this room." Kathryn said as we opened the doors to their room. 

It was a pretty large room. It had two queen beds and a large bathroom. It had two glass doors that lead out into the vineyards. "This is going to be perfect," Liam said unzipping his luggage. "Perfect we are just across the hall in that room if you need anything." I said as I walked out of the room. 


"That was pretty intense Harry," I said as I began unpacking my things. "I know but they are all so close its crazy," He said. "I know and they welcomed us right in." Harry shrugged, "We are pretty great," I laughed. "I'm going to take a shower, I feel like plane," Harry said as he took off his shirt and went to the bathroom. 

While Harry was showering I looked at all the photos on the walls and dressers. They were mostly of four little girls. Two blond and two brunette. I figured it was Kathryn, Stephanie, and their two older sisters, whose names were slipping my mind. They were all extremely smiley in each of the pictures. I could point out Kathryn in all of them. She hadn't changed a bit. 


Steph and I had both showered and were just chilling in our rooms and our sisters entered. We began to catch up. It felt like a million years since we had talked like this. We used to talk like this every Saturday night together. 

Caroline had married Scott Selvey. They had gone to the university of Georgia together and she was a nurse practitioner now. They were a very "granola" couple and moved out to California. Scott was a pretty successful business man and they were both hard core runners. They would run together and go camping together. It was her perfect life and I couldn't have been happier for her. 

Nicole had married a boy named Dan Hernandez and they were living in Miami. She had become a nurse in the neonatal intensive care unit and was living her dreams. Dan was a well-known architect so they lived in some monstrous home and he was such a sweet guy. They were really happy. 

I hoped one day I could be as happy as my sister and Nicole. 

My mom called through the intercom that she wanted Steph and I to go to the store and pick up desserts. We always went to this really yummy bakery and it was always Stephanie and I's job to pick up the pies. We began to get dressed. I pulled on my Aztec looking sweater and some grey shorts. I let my hair flow naturally and put on some simple makeup . Stephanie was struggling as usual to find an outfit. I laughed and helped her pick out a yellow top with cutout sleeves and some jean shorts. She pulled her hair into a pony tail and we went to tell the boys we were leaving. 

"Hey guys we are going to get desserts we will be back soon. If our family calls you guys out don't be scared," Stephanie said laughing, "Just talk to Dan and Scott," I gave them the tip and we went outside. 

It was the perfect weather so we decided to ride out bikes to the shop. We picked up the pies and were making our way home. Stephanie and I were joking about something when suddenly we almost crashing into two boys. "Shit," Stephanie yelled as her bike swerved and mine followed right behind leaving our pies a mess on the floor. "What the hell was that?" I asked as we stood up brushing off the dirt. "More like who the hell," Stephanie corrected me picking up her bike. We both met eyes with the figures we had almost hit. We stood shocked that they were here. 

"Fancy seeing you here ladies," A familiar voice said with a slight chuckle. 

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