Chapter 18

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I woke up the next morning and decided to go on a run. I put on some athletic shorts and tennis shoes and grabbed my Ipod. I walked out my door and began upstairs. 

"You're up early," Stephanie said from the counter. "As are you," I said grabbing an apple from the island. "Went to bed pretty early last night I woke up at six." She picked up a magazine and began flipping through the pages. "That is quite early." I said sitting next to her. "Mmmhmm," She hummed in response. 

I began looking at the magazine with her. It was one of those STYLE magazines with all the famous people who attend award shows. They had all the women lined up with little comments next to the pictures. "I like this one," I said pointing to Beyonce in a long beige dress. "Oh really, what about this one," She said pointing to Amanda Seyfried in a long black dress. "It's alright. Kind of plain," She nodded in approval. "And this one it's got to many things going on. Makes my head hurt. But that ones nice, yeah, I like that color," I said pointing at various dresses. She giggled, "Nice to see things from a boys point of view," "You mean a mans point of view," She stood up from the counter, "No I meant boy," I gave her a hurt expression and she smiled. She kissed my lips, "Men are too serious. I prefer boys," I grabbed her waist and pulled her in for another kiss. "I'm going for a run if you want to come," I said pulling away. "Sure, let me just get ready." She ran down stairs and within 10 minutes was back in a sports bra, running shorts, and her hair in a tight pony tail. "Ready?" I  asked  as we walked to the door.


I woke up and Steph wasn't in the room. I jumped in the shower. I dressed in lounge clothes and went out on the porch and began reading my book. I was reading Looking for Alaska by John Green. The book really touched me in ways most others couldn't. The story talked about seeking a "great perhaps" and the "labyrinth of life". I felt like the main character didn't really know his place in life, much like me. He was looking for his purpose and on the way he found someone who challenged him. She was so different from the normal thing. In the book he says, "If people were rain, I was drizzle and she was a hurricane." As cliche as this sounds I feel like the same is happening with Liam and I. He is so wonderful. He famous for fuck's sake. I'm just a girl from Atlanta, why did he come into my life. I have a knack for over thinking things and I just want to know why he is in my life. Why someone so extraordinary could be with someone so plain like me. 

"Your mum said you'd be out here," I herd a voice from behind. "Hey," I said softly looking up from my book. "What are you up too?" Liam asked sitting down on the porch swing. "Just thinking." I said kicking my legs up on the chair in front of me. "About?" He mused as he pushed his legs on the floor making the swing move back and forth. "Why me?" I responded. "What about you?" His face confused. "Why me, you could have anyone in the world," He smiled, "Because you bring out the best in me. Because when I'm with you I'm not Liam from One Direction, I'm Liam from Wolverhampton. You treat me like I'm normal and you make me feel loved." He smiled at me. "And because you're beautiful and I enjoy looking at beautiful people." I laughed at his last comment. 

"Do you all want to help with the turkey?" My mom asked from the door way. "Sure," Liam said taking my hand. We followed my mom up the stairs and into the kitchen. "Kathryn used to love helping me baste the turkey. She always wanted to play with the 'squishy thing' as she called it," I felt my face blushing like crazy. Liam laughed and took my moms side at the counter. My mom put the turkey in the oven. "Would you like to help me mash the potatoes?" Liam's face lit up and he grabbed the masher. 


"I so beat you on the last part," Stephanie said shutting the door behind her. "You most defiantly cheated." "I did not" The pair made there way into the kitchen. "Hey guys," A sweaty Stephanie said getting water. "Put a shirt on please," I said sarcastically. She flicked me off and gulped down her water. The boys laughed and Harry disappeared I assume to go shower. "What are you making?" Steph asked my mom sitting on the counter. "Thanksgiving dinner hun," My mom said smiling. It was my moms favorite meal to make. She never let Stephanie's mom help. Steph's mom always spent the day making flower arrangements and decorating the dinning room. Our thanks giving was an incredibly important time and everyone always dressed to perfection. "Girls why don't you start getting ready. I think I'm all set here. If Liam you would just help me do the last bit of mashed potatoes that would be great." He nodded and continued mashing. Stephanie and I got up and went downstairs. 

"What are you wearing?" Steph asked sitting on the edge of her bed. "This," I said holding up my dress. It was a cream color with beading on it. "I love it," Stephanie said heading into the bathroom for a shower. 


I got out of the shower and slipped into my dress. It was a black and creme lace dress. I had seen it at one of my shows and asked to have one made for me. It was a very elegant dress. "Kat can you zip me up?" I asked fumbling with the zipper on the back. "Yeah sure," She came over and zipped up the dress. She gestured to her zipper and I closed it. "How should I do my hair?" I asked brushing it out. "I like it in a tight pony tail. Shows off your face. I'm wearing mine down." She began fixing her hair. 


"You ready? Let's go get the boys," Kat said checking her appearance in the mirror. "Yeah I'm ready," We walked across the hall and I opened the door, "You guys almost ready." No one responded. "You guys took longer than us c'mon." It stayed quite. "Where are they?" I said walking in to the bath room. "Maybe they went upstairs?" Kat said walking out the door. I nodded and followed her. 

"Mom have you seen-," I stopped when I saw the two boys helping set the table. They were smiling and laughing with our moms. "Steph are they up there? Oh," She stopped behind me. "That's really adorable." She whispered. "It really is,"  We walked up and went into the kitchen. "Wine?" My dad asked pouring himself and Kathryn's dad a glass. We nodded. He poured us a glass and we walked into the dinning room. Harry and Liam turned and walked towards us. "Hey beautiful," Harry said pecking my lips. "Hi," I said putting my arm behind his neck. I herd a snap of a camera and we both looked to find my mom taking a picture. "Mom," I groaned and Harry laughed. "You'll thank me later. Pictures are permanent memories," I hid my face in Harry's chest and another click went off. "Let's take nice pictures now." My mom stated. 

After about 2,000 pictures later we sat at the table. Kathryn's dad carved the turkey and we were all talking having a really nice time. Our parents told the stories of how they first met and embarrassed me and Kathryn. Our sisters talked about their homes and their jobs. The boys talked about how life on the road was. Everyone seemed to get a long really well and it was really lovely. 

"I'm so sad you all are leaving tomorrow," My mom said sadly. "I know I don't want you guys to leave," Kathryn's mom joined in. "I know I don't want to leave either but we have school and work to get back to," I groaned out. "When do you boys being work again?" My dad asked. "Well we have some promo things and will be recording a little right when we get back." Liam said. "We begin the UK leg of our tour in 3 weeks I believe." Harry added eating some turkey. "That's wonderful," Kathryns mom said. 

"Not for us," Kathryn said looking at me. I bit my lip and nodded. I never really thought about them leaving. They had a lot of time off recently thats why they were always around. I forgot that they were famous and needed to leave on tour. "It's only for a little while love," Liam said squeezing Kathryn's hand looking at her lovingly. She smiled softly at him. 

We continued dinner on a happier note. My parents and Kathryn's would be coming to London for fashion week to see me in some shows and spend time with Kathryn. Dinner ended and we went down stairs. I took Harry's hand and led him to the porch outside our room. "What are we gonna do?" I asked turning to face him."When?" I looked him in the eyes, "When you leave," I said almost in a whisper trying to make it not real. His arms tightened around my waist, "We are going to be exactly the same babe," I put my arms around his neck. "I don't want you to go," A tear slipped out from my eye. "I'm sorry," I said whipping the tear away. "Don't apologize love. I don't want to go either but I have to. It's my work," He began rubbing my back. I put my head on his shoulder and tried not to cry. "Baby don't cry please." I hugged him tighter. He had been my rock he had helped me so much and I just couldn't bare him leaving for even a couple weeks. "I promise I'll be home for fashion week." He said looking at me with promise in his eyes. "Really?" I said sniffling. "I promise," He smiled softy, "I love you," "I love you too," He pulled my into a slow kiss. 

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