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(idk what to put as the title)

p.s in this story Oikawa and iwaizumi are dating     AN: hi! i don't really put authors notes but this is important. just want you to know that your team goes against the boys and girls vb clubs cuz PLOT so yea enjoy! Also I want to know if you guys want me to put you in Karasuno or in another school cuz the Karasuno girls don't go against boys and I have a team planned out for you and your supposed to go against Karasuno. sooo decide that for me in the comments please Also this is mostly a flashback 

your pov:

I was lying in bed still asleep like the lazy ass i was. seriously why do i sleep in the weirdest positions? Anyway my bootiful sleep was interrupted by a stupid phone call. i groaned and groggily got up to answer it. I picked up not bothering to check the caller ID  "hello?" 

"n/n-Chan~ good morning!~" there I was with a deadpan annoyed expression the phone still close to my ear. "what do you want shittykawa?" I said with a monotone voice as I heard a dramatic gasp." n/n-Chan, Iwa-Chan has possessed you!" I said and heard a thump. he probably dramatically fell on the bed or something. 

"well its your fault for waking me up I was sleeping peacefully and I know the last thing I  wanna do is hear "n/n-Chan~" in the morning. I mimicked his voice in the n/n part. "why are you calling me inn the middle of the holiday anyway? I said with a bit of curiosity in my voice.

i heard a little chuckle from him "well me and Iwa-Chan were wondering if you wanted to hang out with us this weekend. since your not going to seijoh we won't be able to see each other much after the holidays end" I heard him say with a little bit of a pleading voice. when I heard that my mood lightened a bit. it has been a while since iv seen them both.  I thought "sure! id love to" I said with a small smile. "really?! YES!! IWA-CHAN y/n-CHAN SHE'S COMINGGGGG!!!~"  I could practically imagine Oikawa running around the house with his hands in the air. "alright jeez calm down crappykawa!" *slap* "well I got to get ready I'll see you guys later!" I said a little cheerfully. "alright bye y/n" I heard iwaizumi say before he hung up the phone.


iwaizumi pov:

I was outside the café with my stupid ass happy boyfriend. "Iwa-Chan we get to see y/n agaiiiiin!!" I heard him exclaim. "alright calm down shittykawa we just saw her at our last practice match" damn he's so stupid but I love him so much. I thought. we then saw y/n waving at us with her usual normal expression. she doesn't really show much emotion anymore. Barely smiling or annoyed she usually just blunt and serious. But with us she's somewhat happy. "N/N-CHAAAAN!" Oikawa practically screamed into my ears before he attempted to jump y/n. "OI CRAPPYKAWA GET OFF HER!! BOKE"  

your pov: 

As I walked to Oikawa and iwaizumi I heard Oikawa screaming my name and then I saw him.. falling? yep he fell on top of me and hugged me tight dramatically crying cuz he missed me so much "OI CRAPPYKAWA GET OFF HER!! BOKE" I heard iwaizumi scream as he pulled the crying great king off me by grabbing the back of his collar. He put Oikawa to the side and gave me a hand. I gently took and lift myself up. Then Oikawa went back to hugging my side saying how much he missed me and whined how we don't spend time with him anymore.

 All three of us went into the café after Oikawa calmed down and everyone stopped staring at our dramatic scene. Oikawa obviously got milkbread, iwaizumi got coffee and i got some milk tea AN: (I haven't tried milk tea but it seems really good ^^)  we talked about volleyball and some other things like school life and what were planning for the future. Its kinda weird how i know these two..  


I was ordering something from the café when a tall brown haired boy came up to me. "yahoo. what you name?" he said straightforwardly  "y/n l/n " I said cheerfully but I little confused tone was in my voice. then another guy came up to us and hit the chocolate browned boy on the head "stop flirting with every girl you see" the guy looked at me and smiled a little" Sorry about him! he's an idiot" he said and bowed a little "I-its fine!" I said with a cheerful smile and rubbed the back of my neck standing up straight . "L/n right?" he asked. "yea but you guys can call me y/n" I said simply "iwaizumi" the first one said. "And I'm Oikawa!" the chocolate one said .

After that we would hang out a lot and I still had time to hang out with hinata and another friend that's a girl. We all got along really well hinata didn't know iwaizumi and Oikawa but Seanah my girl-friend  has met them once or twice but she didn't really hang out with them much they got along good though!

"I-I like you!" my eyes widened as I heard those words. Then she ran away .."W-Wait!" I ran after her. I didn't like girls but seanah was my best friend  I cared for her I don't want our friendship to end cuz of this. I ran after her it looked like she was going home. seanah was pretty fast she was a wing spiker after all. I ran after her as it started to rain lightly.  she was going in the direction of her house. I ran faster the way to her house is too dangerous to go to alone that's why I always walk with her!  I was about 30 steps away from her I saw her turn to the alleyway we always go to. I ran faster and got there about 15 seconds after her but what I saw made me stop in my tracks.

As soon as I turned I heard a gunshot. "s-seanah?" I asked I saw a man standing in front of her with a gun in his hand he was smiling menacingly. he heard me say her name " ah there you are I was waiting." he said with a soft voice "w-why? ..why did you shoot her?!" I ran to her on my knees holding her close "s-seanah! seanah c'mon wake up this isn't a joke!" I felt tears filling up my eyes. I looked up and say the man looking at me with a smile. "she was taking you away from me" I didn't know who he was. I didn't recognise him he was wearing a mask and a hoodie. "HEY! GET AWAY FROM HER!" I heard two voices shout. This made the guy run away. 

"hey are you okay?" Oikawa asked I looked at them with a worried expression. I didn't answer his question and looked at seanah. "s-seanah please wake up. c'mon please." I pleaded and in that moment heavy rain started to fall leaving us all soaked. The last thing I remember was police sirens

end of flashback

" I still remember that day" I said it was just a whisper but loud enough for iwaizumi and Oikawa to hear. by this time we were in Oikawa and iwaizumi's  house I had spaced out the whole day. Oikawa and iwaizumi came to me straight away to hug me. "I'm sorry I caused you that trouble" I said quietly almost sobbing. "Hey ...its okay n/n it wasn't your fault were here for you "I heard Oikawa say. 

(sorry there's no kageyama here but there will be soon promise it a little off track but don't worry!)

He's my setter (she became his queen) kageyama tobio x readerWhere stories live. Discover now