when you walk to school with him

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your pov:

I was in the living room tying B/n's shirt. Poor kid he looks so tired. I had to wake B/n up because he was going to stay at our grandparents house for the weekend. My parents are out of town since they wanted some time alone together. Our aunt and uncle stay with our grandma and they have 4 kids which are close to B/n's age.  I have to drop him off quickly before school so I'm kinda in a rush. I let B/n sleep on my back while I took the train to our grandparents house. He doesn't really like it when I leave in front of him so its best if he falls asleep. Then I can leave quickly. 

TIMESKIP (Ukai's store):

I walked past Ukai's store giving him a quick wave. He had lisped "did you eat?" And I quickly nodded with a smile. I continued my route taking my phone out so I could check the weather. "Looks like its gonna- Oh!" I turned the corner to find myself bumping into something. Or someone? I bumped into something tall and kinda muscular. I looked up to see "K-Kageyama?!" My widened a little I knew we lived close but not this close. Our school's are almost neighbours too only about 5 miles away from each other. So its not that surprising to bump into someone from this route. I just didn't think it would be kageyama.

"Oh hey" He said also a little surprised we came across each other.   "S-Sorry for bumping into you" I said giving him an awkward smile. "Oh its ok I wasn't watching were I was going so.." He said averting his eyes from me. "Well then I guess were even" I said feeling less awkward.  I could've swore I saw him blushing but I just brushed it off.

Kageyama's pov:

I didn't know I would come across her. Especially after what happened yesterday. (Reference to last chapter at your house)  I couldn't stop thinking about it. Her lips felt so soft. Even though it was only a second. It felt like there was no one there but us. Well until Oikawa-san came in. In that moment I remembered  Y/n's serve. I wanted to ask her if she could teach me how she did her jump serves. I should ask her now! Wait but that would be weird. Maybe I should ask her if she-

your pov:

"Uh Kags? You okay?" I asked waving a hand in front of his face.  He snapped out of his trance. "Yea sorry. I was just thinking about something." He said looking down to me. "Well ok! Hey since our schools are pretty close....Do you wanna walk together?" I was pretty confident with this. Our schools were in the same direction and since we were here at the same time we had to walk in the same direction anyway. "Yea sure" He said with a small smile. 

It wasn't as awkward as I thought it wold be we talked about normal stuff and how bad Hinata is at volleyball. "Hey uh ..I wanted to ask you.." I faced him with a curious expression.  He noticed me looking at him with curiosity and new he had to continue. "Well I saw you serve when we had a practice match with each other....I was wondering if you could teach me how to do serve like that." He averted his eyes and looked a little embarrassed. 

"You... want me to teach you how to serve?" He nodded hesitantly meeting my gaze. "It's just a normal jump serve I don't really get why you want me to teach you" I said awkwardly rubbing the back of the neck. He looked at me curious of what I meant. "what do you mean?" He tilted his head to the side a little. I stopped walking and he did the same after he took a few more steps. "Well my serves and setting aren't as good as yours. Your way better than me." I averted my gaze to the road. "Your serves are really accurate and-"   " That's not true!" My eyes widened from his sudden outburst. 

"Your really talented! The way you know when to put setter dumps and how flexible and smooth your sets are, and you receives are so flawless." He grabbed my shoulders making me look up at him. "You serves are so accurate and strong.  It's almost as if you can break the floor. When you serve you...." He looked down trying to find the right words. "You look like a complete angel!" He tightened his grip on mu shoulders. I blinked at his 'speech'. That was actually pretty impressive. I could see the truthfulness and determination in his eyes. He noticed what he said and quickly let go of my shoulders. Covering his face with his back hand. "S-sorry I didn't mean to go that far.."

I processed what he said quickly and felt blood rush to my cheeks. "D-Do you really think I'm that talented?" I said looking down and fiddling with my fingers. "He looked at me. He faced me completely. "No.. I know your that talented." I felt a small spark of confidence in me. Just for a second. When I heard him say that I felt...good? "I didn't know you thought I was that talented." I said looking up at him. "Well now you do" He said looking at me with a confident smile. "Cliché much?" I said with a small smirk crossing my arms. "Shut up boke!" He retorted. I chuckled. "Well if that's what you think ill teach you  but your gonna have to learn some stretches and stuff too" I said in a questioning way. "He faced me again.  "Fine by me" He said seriously. "Alright then. will Saturday do?" He was about to answer but I interrupted him. "I don't care if it is or not just meet me at Ukai's store tomorrow" I said. 

Then I suddenly grabbed his hand. "Right now were gonna be late!"  

Kageyama's pov:

She grabbed me hand. "Right now were gonna be late!" She cried while dragging me. I looked at my phone while she was dragging me. "OH MY GAWD WE ARE!" I started running faster than her and it quickly turned from her dragging me to me dragging her. I finally got to ask her. She's finally gonna teach me. Also I could tell her she's a terrible teacher if I cant serve like her. :)

AN: Idk what to say really and I'm not bothered to write the songs I listened too. Don't think it benefits you guys in any way. LMAO. Anyway don't forget to to drink some water and suck a dick. Or a pussy. whatever you prefer. We don't judge here. U_U.  :)

He's my setter (she became his queen) kageyama tobio x readerWhere stories live. Discover now