⛓Kimi 🌸wa 🧜‍♀️ shojo 👑na 😾 no?👻

413 11 4

your pov:

"N/n-Chan~ Me and Iwa-Chan are here to visit you again!" Oikawa said as he legit just waltzed into my home. 

"Welcome to my abode." I said leaning on the staircase handle. I led them to my room and wrapped myself in a burrito blanket. 

"You got a computer?" Iwa asked as he looked around my room to see if anything changed. 

"Ah yea. Meet Felix." Oh right I name a lot of my stuff.

"Okay I just wanna get straight to the point." Iwa said crossing his arms and facing me as I melted in my burrito wrapped self. 

"What's up?" I asked as I wiggled in my burrito to  grab my Kool-Aid. Don't worry it wasn't that clear shit. 

"Do you like Tobio-Chan?"  Oikawa looked at me concerned and I spit out my Kool-Aid. 

"What in the Sofia the first make you say that?!"  I shrieked getting out of my burrito. 

"Y/n-Chan You do don't you?!"Oikawa said as he dramatically put a hand to his head and fell to the floor. 

"Ignore him. But Y/n do you like him?" Iwa asked raising an eyebrow. 

"Maybe a little. You will never know." 

"So you do." 

"Shhhhh not in front my Hiroto." Hiroto is my sound desk. A sound desk is basically that table thing that DJ's use. 

"Y/n." Iwa provoked. I don't even know how him just saying my name provoked me but he's kinda scary. 

"Okay maybe I like him." I admitted and Toru dramatically lifted himself and fell like ha just had a seizure.  

"And that's perfectly fine."  Iwa said with a dad like smile.

"No its not! Y/n-Chan is gonna date My rival!" Oikawa said as he got up.

"Actually no I'm not." I said looking to the ground with a sadden face. The two boys tilted there heads.

"Wait what do you mean?" 

"I mean. A few days ago Kags came to my house and I kinda blew my whole chance with him."

"What?!"  They both exclaimed in unison.

And so I explained the situation to Iwa and Toru and why I said that.

"Oh Y/n-chan." 

"I know I'm an idiot. I just thought he would wanna take advantage of me and.."

"You know Tobio isn't like that."

"Yea he's a brat and stuff but he would never use anyone like that.  I still hate him though! He's an idiot and I hate him. I hate him I hate him I hate him!!!" Toru crossed his arms and turned like a child.

"Why the hell did you come back from the dead?" 

"Yea get lost and die again shittykawa."

"Iwa-chan..." Oikawa pouted and fake sobbed. But his sobs actually sounded real. 

Iwa sighed and lifted Toru up from the ground and gave him a quick kiss and leaned his forehead on Toru's

"Save that from when I'm not here. But don't do that in front of Hiroto." I rolled my eyes.

"Ok we actually came here to take you out for cake." Iwa said as he ran a hand through Oikawa's hair.



" All I need is coffee"

I have no life so I'm updating twice. Hey that rhymed. I hate rhyming. Anyway I'm in school and I hate life.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2020 ⏰

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