When he protects you

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your pov:

My last lesson for the day finally ended. Not that I was paying attention, I couldn't seem to stop thinking about how I have  practice with Kageyama. He walked me to school today and I'm gonna help him work on his stretches today.  As soon as the bell rang I packed my stuff and left for outside campus like Iida. Kageyama couldn't just walk into this school. He doesn't even know where to find me. So naturally I went to the front gate of the school where everyone was leaving. 

As soon as I got to the front gate I noticed a huddle of girls surrounding something...or someone. When I inspected  the group of girls a little more I realised it was Kageyama they were surrounding. He looked really uncomfortable and weirded out. I quickly got annoyed since he was trying to get the girls to leave him lone but they weren't listening. 

I went up to the group of girls with a huge bad aura already surrounding me. "Oi" Everyone's attention was now on me and Kageyama saw me too. "Get away from him. Cant you see your making him uncomfortable." I glared at the girls with my deadly e/c orbs and they quickly felt intimidated and ran away. I glared at some of the girls running from my side and let out a small sigh. "You okay?" I turned to Kageyama and asked him genuinely. "Yea thanks" He gave me a grateful smile which I mirrored and gestured a hand to follow me. 

We got changed pretty quick and set up everything. "Okay so were gonna try those stretches again." He nodded at my statement and put his stuff down. "Should I try the normal stretches that I usually do first?" I nodded at his question. "Imma just serve while you do that kay?" I was telling him more than I was asking him. He simply nodded as he lifted his arms to stretch them. 

"Ayo guys I told you!" Kageyama's attention moved to our gym...balcony? Where he saw a bunch of boys from our school putting there bags down getting ready to watch us practice. I was naturally unbothered by this since every time I was practicing on my own some random boys from school would come and watch. They wouldn't really pay attention to my skills and just brag about how "Attractive" I am. I ignored the boys coming in from the balcony door and focused on bouncing the ball and getting ready to do a jump serve. Usually they were a little more respectful when they spoke about me but these guys were different. I had never seen them before. 

Kageyama's pov:

I put my arms up to stretch them as Y/n grabbed a ball so she could serve. "Ayo guys I told you!" my attention moved to the gym...balcony? Where I saw a bunch of boys from Y/n's school putting there bags down getting ready to watch us practice. Y/n seemed unbothered by this, I'm guessing a lot of boys come watch her play. So she's used to the attention by now. But if these guys are so interested in watching Y/n play then why don't they join the volleyball team.  I just ignored them and went back to stretching.

"Hey...who's that guy?" One of the guys gestured to me but I didn't bother looking at him and kept stretching. His tone sounded irritated and soon I felt a bunch of glares coming to me. I quickly got annoyed as I could feel there stares burning my shoulder. I moved my head in there direction and peered at them with a scowl. They moved there bodies to face Y/n as they saw she was about to throw the ball. 

Your pov:

I stopped bouncing the ball and got into position. I could feel those guys glaring at Kageyama. I didn't need to look at them I could just tell. I threw the ball in the air pretty high and ran 3 steps. I pushed my feet off the ground and jumped. Only 50 percent. I thought as I flew in the air. I hit the ball as hard as I could aiming for it to his the left-middle side of the court. As soon as I landed back on the ground I heard a huge sound. Kind of like an explosion. That was the ball hitting the floor. I looked up to see the ball went exactly where I wanted it to go. 

He's my setter (she became his queen) kageyama tobio x readerWhere stories live. Discover now