The middle school match

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your pov:

"Y/N-CHAAAAAAN" my best friend and neighbour hinata shouyou came over by jumping  through my window while i was studying.

HINATA!?" i exclaimed as he fell and hit my wall connected wardrobe (idk what its called) "what the hell are you doing just use the door boke! your gonna get hurt how are you supposed to become a famous vb player if you break all your bones!?" i lectured as ai slapped his back. "SORRY SORRY SORRY!!! but listen you wont believe what happened!" the tangerine exclaimed bursting with excitement, seriously it looked like he needed to take shit. "im getting to play!!!! i'm getting to play in a real match!" he shouted basically on the verge of tears. i stood there shocked "HAH?!" 


After hinata explained how he got a match and how his friends from his middle school decided they would help him play and how some first years joined the club, he was already on the floor crying tears of joy and jumping around and i just stood there in complete shock."woah" was all i could say. soon a rush of happiness overcame me and i started jumping with hinata "YOUR GONNA PLAY" "IM GONNA PLAYYYY" and there we were crying tears of joy with our cheeks rubbing each other and hugging.


"woaaaaaahhh" As me, hinata and his 'team' entered the gym where they were gonna play the match, hinata started staring in awe like he just entered heaven. except people were getting hit in the face...and falling...and bleeding....and being shouted at...and- "Y/NNNN!! DO YOU SEE THIS?" i let out a slight chuckle at my orange haired friends antics. "yea i see it but its just a gym don't cry shouyou" i told him  "i'm not!" he defended. The tangerines face soon turned from annoyed to amazed. "alright lets stretch!"


 i was filling up hinata's teams water bottles cuz I'm nice like that  ~( ̄▽ ̄)~* when I came across some people just begging for me to beat them up. "well look who it is~.." she said in a singing voice "the egocentric queen who thinks of no one but herself" her fake happy voice turned into a evil one real fast. I internally was ready to beat a bitch up, but I didn't. "yea Jeena. nice to see you" then I walked back to the gym calmly, leaving an angry Jeena and her minions I'm not that same old idiot I was a year ago.( no offense to anyone named Jeena)

I got to the gym and place there bottles on the side bench. "ne shouyou." I cooed for the smol tangerine "what's up n/n -Chan?" he asked with a bright but nervous smile. "who are you going up against?" I asked tilting my head to the side a bit. That question made hinata jolt up, which made me even more confused "uh shouyo?" he didn't answer my called and just turned away holding his stomach running in the direction of the bathroom. I looked at the board to answer my own question and saw the were going against kitagawa first.

that 's a power house school. I thought. hinata came back from the bathroom and he looked like he was ready to beat someone up. At Least that's what he thought. he looks so cute when he's confident (✿◠‿◠) "alright! I'm ready! y/n can you set for me I wanna spike?" hinata asked m as I looked at him and smiled. "sure orange" hinata tossed the ball in my direction and i set it with complete accuracy. it practically landed in his hand. The tangerine hit it with a loud bang causing everyone's attention going to us 

"g-gomenasai!" me and hinata stuttered.  I set him a few more with such or even more accuracy than the first set. As i put my arms in a setting position but stopped when  i realised someone was staring at me i looked at him and my eyes widened a little. The ball hit my head as i lowered my arms keeping eye contact with the guy, but i didn't realise it. Everything went silent as we stared at each other i observed his features he was tall,really tall. he had dark blue eyes like the deep ocean and they were practically staring into my soul. His hair was close to the same colour as his eyes just a bit darker. You could definitely tell god took his time making him. his features seemed angry but calm too.

"y/nnnnn... Y/N!!" "AAH w-wha?" I stepped out of my trance, the world suddenly coming back to me. I turned my head to see hinata " yea hinata?" I asked confused to what happened. "you okay? You've been staring at something for 4 minutes" I realised what he said and completely turned my body to him standing up straight "yes I'm fine! sorry I spaced out" I said while rubbing my head. "okay c'mon lets goo!" The orange exclaimed.

I turned my head to the direction i was staring in before to see he was still staring at me. He stared for a few more seconds then turned away. it was a few short seconds but from that i could tell what type of person he was. i was always good at being able to tell what personality people have just by looking at them. Its not really judging a book by its cover, i'm just assuming what their personality is like..and I'm usually right so it doesn't matter. 

I went up to the bleachers to cheer for hinata. As soon as the match started i new i was right about that blueberry boi. he was a egocentric guy that is obsessed with success and his skills. But on the inside.. I just know he a innocent boy who doesn't understand life. He isn't confident in his skills and just needs someone to guide him. He was misunderstood and awkward with people the only way he knew how to act was out of anger and other negative emotions.           This boy was the old me. 

In the end hinata's team lost but he tried and I was proud of him. he didn't really stand a chance and I'm surprised he still got this far. I immediately ran to comfort him.


i was standing near the fountains leaning on the wall with my head back a little and eyes closed. I opened my eyes slightly to see a familiar  blueberry walking towards me with a empty water bottle. My eyes widened a little and stood up a little more straight but still leaning on the wall. I wanted to talk to him. I don't know why I just had the urge too. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. "h-hey!" I blurted out just before he completely passed me. he stopped in his tracks. I looked down rubbing my fingers.

"y-you probably don't know me bu-"  " I know exactly who you are " he interrupted making my eyes widen and look up by instinct. " your that pretty girl that always comes to our matches. seat 15,row 4." I looked at him and blushed a little. he called me pretty and he noticed me!! I thought. He took something out of his pocket and put his arm in front of me his hand in a fist shape. he opened his hand a little and a  little trinket came out it was hanging by the chain that he was still holding with his hand. It was a my hero academia keychain based of Todoroki. half fire half ice. "m-my keychain!" I exclaimed quietly but louder than a whisper. "I saw you drop it last week at a match." he said as he took my arm gently opening my hand and slowly putting it in my palm. " I-..I thought I could give it to you" he said and cursed himself for stuttering. "Thank you so much! I thought I lost it"

 He was still holding my wrist so I took his hand with both of mine and put it close to my chest. I gave him a quick closed eye smile. I realised he had a bashful face, his cheeks were covered with blush and his eyes were widened. I slowly let his hand slide down realising where I was holding his hand." w-well thank you again but I have to go see my friend" I said looking away shyly. "right" he cleared his throat gave me one more glance and left. I could've swore he smiled a little. I was squealing a bunch internally and  have no idea why. he knows iv been to all his matches. I only went cuz my friends brother was in that team and soon got interested in his matches so I came by myself. I soon fell asleep on my comfy bed ready for the new year holiday.

song I listened to while writing this:  gurenge, NIGHTCORE: waiting for love, f.f.f., jealous, pretty on the inside, house with no mirrors if the world was ending 

He's my setter (she became his queen) kageyama tobio x readerWhere stories live. Discover now