How to die lmao

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Your pov:

I had cried myself to sleep last night because kageyama's words kept running through my mind. There just words. They shouldn't affect me. I thought as I slowly sat down on the side of my bed. I took a deep breath and went to get ready for school. I took a shower longer than usual since I needed some warmth. Although it did sting a little.(if this sentence gives you bad memories I'm sorry and its not meant like that so don't worry.) The water was too hot but I didn't care. I quickly went out of the house not bothering to eat anything, I just wasn't hungry since I binge watched some anime and ate a bunch of ice cream. 

I got to school and went to set up and wipe down the gym so the team could practice. It was compulsory for the captain and vice captains to come early. Akari and kanea are the vice captains so they came 10 minutes after me. I tried hiding my emotions like I always did but Kanea and Akari could tell something was wrong. They decided not to question it since they know forcing me to talk is gonna annoy me.


Everyone was practicing and all I did was spike the ball against the wall working on my jumping. "Um Y/n-Chan?" I heard a hesitant whisper next to me. I stopped spiking the ball so it would land in my hands. I turned to my side and saw our libero Yumi holding a ball tightly with both hands. "Yumi, do you need something?" I asked, my dark aura slowly fading. " I just wanted you to know that school starts in a 20 minutes and we really should get to cleaning." Yumi was a really shy and nice girl but when you get to know her its like she's ready to throw hands with anyone. Although for some reason she would get scared of me when I had even just a tint of negative emotion in me. Other than that she would be jumping on my back and giving me bright smiles. I turned to the pink and white faded haired girl and gave her a small smile. "Right ill go get the cleaning materials. Can you tell kanea and Akari to take down the net." I said point to there direction. "sure" She said casually. There she is that crazy happy girl.

Kanea's pov:

I sighed as Y/n went to get the cleaning supplies. She looked so scary and was hitting the ball so hard I thought the wall was going to break. How did she not get tired? "Omg I thought we were gonna die" Alisa said letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding. "Yea I know right. I thought if anyone went up to her in that moment they were gonna get murdered. Seriously Yumi you've got guts." I said looking at Yumi with a relieved smile.  "Heh thanks I guess" She said rubbing the back of her head with an awkward smile.


Kageyama's pov:

I was waiting at Ukai's shop after apologising to him about what I said to Y/n and explaining I didn't mean it. "I see. So that's why your mother came to me asking where you were when we  had a practice match" I lifted my head a little and looked at him dumbfounded. "Wait she asked you?" I asked lifting by body from my bow position. "Yea of course. I'm your coach aren't I?" He rhetorically asked taking another cigarette out. I stood up straight. "Could I buy some meat buns for her?" I asked putting a hand out gesturing to the small oven. He got up and went to the small wardrobe where he holds all his fresh meat buns. "Yea of course-" He paused which left me confused. "You aren't just gonna buy her meat buns as an apology gift are you?" He asked turning to me with a concerned look. 

I widened my eyes remembering my other gift. "N-No of course not" I said nervously rummaging through my backpack. I sighed as I saw it laying there safely. I carefully took it out. "This is something my mom and sis helped me make for her." I said putting it on his counter. "Woah. Y- You made that?!"  He looked at me like I was a 5 year old who never finished his food but made the Mona Lisa. Yes. That was how shocked he was. "W-well yea my sister makes a lot of them and teaches me in her free time" I said, a little proud of my gift. 

He's my setter (she became his queen) kageyama tobio x readerWhere stories live. Discover now