Holy Moly

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After wandering in search of your classroom for ten minutes you finally found the one you were looking for. You slid open the door to be greeted by the flat, emotionless faces of your 3rd peers. You gave a polite smile as you turned to the teacher "Sorry I'm late Sensei, I got lost." The teacher smiles and reassures you that you're okay before telling you to go sit in the only available seat next to a boy with long brown hair that was tied up in a bun.
After taking your seat and laying out your stationary on the desk you were startled by the boy next to you handing you a sheet of paper. His eyes widened slightly at your surprise. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. This is the work sheet were doing. I'm...uh I'm Asahi, by the way." You smiled politely, a blush tinting your cheeks out of embarrassment as you took the sheet. "Thank you, I'm (Y/N)" He smiled before turning back to the teacher to continue listening. You did the same.
When the bell finally rang for dinner you were majorly aware of how hungry you were. You reached into your bag to retrieve your packed lunch when Asahi cleared his throat next to you. "I was wondering....I...if you weren't busy, whether you'd like to have lunch with me?" You smiled because it was the most polite and normal question you'd been asked all day. You nodded and followed him down to the steps Infront of the school to eat your food. You chatted away with Asahi. It turns out this school required you to join a club for at least a year. Asahi was part of the volleyball team and they were currently looking for a new manager. While you had never played volleyball yourself, you had picked up all of the rules from watching and hearing about Oikawa's games. "How do I apply for manager?" Asahi's head snapped up from his food, a broad smile on his face. "Really? You'd apply? That's awesome, at the end of the day come to the gym, I'll let Kiyoko know." You can't help but smile too. This is the most you had been excited in a while.

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