I'm sorry I'm not her

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The day went by as usual. You did your lessons, ate lunch with Daichi, Suga and Asahi, and then went to practice after school. It was easy to co-exist with Coach even after what happened, although the atmosphere between you two was electric. Whenever anyone asked you to throw some sets or help them and your form was off, he'd come to give you some special tips which involved him being very close and gently brushing his fingertips along your exposed skin, sending shivers down your spine. All too soon, the time came for you to clean up and head home. As you where rounding the corner towards your house your phone buzzed with a text.
*Unknown Number*
Hey (Y/N), It's Coach. I figure you won't be coming on a run today. I saw how much trouble you were having walking today 😏 But I just wanted to text so that you had my number, and to tell you that I really enjoyed last night. Until next time Princess. Get home safe X

Your heart fluttered. Coach texted you, and he put an X on the end. Even though he was technically a teacher and this was technically wrong, you figured that as long as you were careful you'd be okay. After all, you'd be done with school in a year anyway so after that you wouldn't have to be careful. You were surprised by how much hope you had for the future.

You took a deep breath as you mentally prepared yourself for the scene that would face you when you got home. Pulling out your keys you unlocked your front door. You could already hear your mother crying from the doorway. You removed your coat and shoes before silently heading to your room. You needed a shower before you faced your parents. This was gonna be a long night.

Towelling your hair, you headed through to the kitchen in leggings and your (f/c) dinosaur t-shirt. Carefully you peeked your head around the door, your ears flooded with your mum's quiet sobs and your nose with the smell of burning food. "Mum?" She turned to you, her eyes red and swollen. "Oh....it's just you." You swallowed the pain you felt at her disappointment. "Yeah it's me, who else would it be?" You mentally kicked yourself for asking the question as her face contorted with anguish. "Y....you just...you're so much alike (Y/N). And you sound the same too. Everytime you come in I think...maybe...just maybe my baby's come home. And then I turn around and it's just you and she's still not home and it hurts me (Y/N)....it really hurts me." You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry I'm not her. I wish she'd come back too...but...by this point there's not really much-" She whirled on you then, her eyes blazing "DON'T YOU DARE! SHE'LL COME BACK! SHE HAS TO COME BACK! YOU STUPID, STUPID LITTLE GIRL." Her hand came down across your face. It wasn't the hardest slap you'd ever received in your life, none of hers were, but the fact that she hit you still hurt more than anything. You closed your eyes again, willing the tears not to come. "I....I'm sorry...mum....I....shouldn't have said anything..." You took a deep breath and righted yourself. "Look. The food is probably beyond edible by now...so....why don't you and Dad order a takeout for you two I think....I'll go get something from the store and stay at a friend's house tonight, yeah?" Your mother shrugs. "Do what you want. I'm going to sleep. "
She leaves the kitchen, the stove still on. You turned it off and put the pan she was using in to soak, hoping you wouldn't have to throw yet another pan away. You didn't exactly know where you were gonna spend the night, you'd probably just sleep on the back porch again like last time. It wasn't exactly the most comfortable, but you felt safer there than in the house. You tugged on your shoes and headed out of the door, the icey wind making your skin prickle and the mark on your face ache more.

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