I've got you

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You were surprised by how numb to the cold you were as you came to a stop outside Coach's shop. You were really hoping he wouldn't ask anything as you scrubbed your eyes. Luckily the cold wind had made your other cheek red too so you were hoping the shape of your mother's hand had faded slightly and just looked like cold. You headed inside. He wasn't at the desk which was a relief. It gave you more time to prepare yourself. You grabbed a bag of crisps and a drink and headed over to the front desk and rang the bell. By now your body was shaking from the cold but your blood was pounding in your veins. What if he started to question it. The door of the back room opened and Coach came through it. His eyes widened slightly as he saw you and a smile spread across his face. "Hey, (Y/N). This is a nice surprise." You can't talk. The lump in your throat warns that a single word will cause the tears to spill. You look away, biting your lip as your shoulders tremble from cold and withheld tears. You felt his hand on your shoulder. "Go sit in the back room. I'll lock up and then we can talk about this, hm?" You don't have the energy to argue. You could just leave after you told him everything was okay. You drop yourself on the edge of the bed and stare at your feet. Your head raises when you hear him come through the door. Seeing the worried look on his face causes your heart to shatter, making the withheld tears fall in cascades. You bury your head in your hands as you hear his footsteps come over to you. He sits next to you on the bed and pulls you into his lap, wrapping his arms around you and stroking your hair softly as you sob into his chest. "It's okay princes...it's okay, I've got you now. You're safe here. I've got you."

You didn't know how long you sat there together after you finished crying. You didn't have the strength right now to explain everything and he didn't ask. He just held you against him, soothing you softly. You let out a deep breath you didn't know you'd been holding and your stomach grumbled. You sighed and moved back from his chest. "I should....uh....probably get going, I don't wanna overstay my welcome." He gave you a confused look. "You know you're welcome here anytime right? Anyway, you need to eat before you go back. Your stomach's telling me that crisps and soda aren't gonna cut it." You give a small smile and nod. Is there nothing that this man won't give you?

The smell from the small kitchen is amazing as you head through. You shiver a little. The heating must not reach to this part. Taking off his jumper he comes over and wraps it around you before going back to the food. You smile and pull it on properly, zipping it up. It looks just like something you'd have bought which was nice, but the best part was that it smelt of Coach. You sat at the table, burying your nose in the collar and closing your eyes. His scent made you feel safe.

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