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Coach put the plate down Infront of you, snapping you from your thoughts. You raise your head to give him as big of a smile as you can muster, muttering your thanks before tucking in. It was now that you finally realised just how hungry you were, and Coach's food was really good. He sat with you and waited for you to finish before taking the plate to the sink. "Where are you sleeping tonight?" You were confused by the question. While you were technically sleeping at home, it was necessarily inside the house. You hoped your face didn't betray your lies as you told him "My house, silly, where else?" He shook his head, coming back to sit next to you again. "You wanna tell me where you were REALLY planning on spending tonight? Because that slap mark and those tears tell me that you weren't planning on staying wherever you came from." Your eyes widened slightly as you brought your hand up to your cheek. You thought it'd have gone down by now. Guess she hit you harder than you thought. You let out a sigh. "I was.....gonna sleep on my back porch....." He let out a breath and took your hand in his large ones. "(Y/N) look at me." He waited for you to raise your eyes to his. "I'm not gonna force you to explain if you don't want to, if you don't want to tell me what happened then that's fine but you are NOT sleeping on a porch, okay? You can stay here. Promise me, if it ever gets this bad again that you won't sleep on your porch and you'll come straight to me, no matter how busy I am, I will ALWAYS make sure you're safe. Do you understand?" You were shocked by the sternness in his voice, yet his face betrayed all the worry that he was keeping. Tears sprung in your eyes again as you nodded. He pulled you to him, wrapping his arms around you as you cried into his chest once again. It was crazy that this man, who you'd known for 3 weeks and had slept with once, could make you feel safe.

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