Morning, Princess

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You awoke from yet another nightmare. You jolted upright, gasping, cold sweat running down your back. You let out a long breath and rubbed the sleep from your eyes. You felt movement beside you and a strong arm wrapped around your waist. Your memories came flooding back and your cheeks flushed. You slept with Coach.....and it was amazing. You lied back down, staring at the ceiling, becoming more and more aware of the dull ache in your lower regions. It's to be expected though. He was huge, definitely bigger than Oikawa was. You felt him move again as he pulled you closer to his chest, his lips against your neck, softer than yesterday. You smiled slightly. This was nice. You felt his lips curve into a smile. "Morning, princess." The deep, roughness of his voice sent shivers down your spine. You couldn't help but smile, turning over to face him your eyes scanned his still sleepy face. "Morning Coach." His hand came up to cup your face and you did your best not to flinch,l as he gently brushed some disheveled hair from your cheek. "Last night was fun, huh?" You blushed again thinking about it but nodded as he placed a gentle kiss on your nose. "We should probably get up, I have to open the shop and you have to get to school or you'll be late." Reluctantly, you both sit up, you winced at the pain between your legs but figured that it was worth it. You definitely enjoyed the process of making it ache.

After you finished getting dressed you carefully checked that there was no one inside or Infront of the shop before coming out. You needed to get home to change into your uniform. Coach smiled at you as you came out "I'll see you at practice?" You nodded and was about to leave before you turned and came back over to him, asking for a pen and paper. You quickly scribbled down your number. You checked again before giving him a peck on the cheek and heading home. Hopefully you'd be able to play your limp off as a running injury.

You had never changed your clothes faster in your life. Luckily you didn't live too far from Coach's shop or School. It was a good thing that your mum and dad didn't really care where you went or what you did. You tried to pretend like everything was fine at home but things hadn't been fine....not since Sherry. You shook your head. You didn't have time to think about this. You quickly poked your head around the door to your dad's study. Yep, he's still in there, passed out. He'd probably been working all night again. You checked into your mum's studio. Empty wine bottle, glass, door to the back room open. She'll have drunk herself stupid and slept on the bed in there, probably fully clothed. You sighed and grabbed your schoolbag, heading out if the door to school. Today was gonna be a long day.

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