Red Handed

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Your heart pounded as you waited outside the back door of the shop. You'd gone out on a run and got halfway round your trip when you'd gotten a call from Keishin telling you to hurry back because you two needed to talk. The worry in his voice had shocked you and you'd basically sprinted the whole way back. You placed from one foot to the other as you waited for him. You jumped as the door opened behind you and Keishin emerged, his car keys in his hand. He avoided eye contact as he gestured for you to follow him to the car. You could tell that he wasn't in the best mood so you did as he instructed and fastened yourself into the passenger seat.

He said nothing the whole 10 minute car journey. He finally parked up at the lake on the outskirts of your town. You two had been talking about coming to this lake to watch the meteor shower that was due to happen on Saturday. You trembled slightly and your nausea grew as you sat yourself down on the bench next to him, looking out across the water. "Takeda knows." Your whole body freezes over. Your blood runs icey and a cold sweat forms on your back. You don't say anything as he continues to talk. "He came to celebrate with me after the game the other day and.....heard us. He came to my shop today to ask me about what was happening." You both sit there in silence for a while before you look down at your hands. "It was going to happen's not like we could have kept it a secret forever so....maybe it's for the best." His head turns to you and you catch his confused look in your periforal vision but don't turn to look at him. You stand and take a breath. "I think it's time we end this, Keishin.....Coach." He stands and takes your hands in his. "(Y/N) don't do this. What happened to yesterday? said you loved me." You pull your hands away and look away towards the water. "I could lose your job, your career. I don't want you to put those things on the line for me. For someone that you can't openly care for, for someone who....isn't special and doesn't deserve it, it's's not fair on you." You turned to look at him for the first time and you were shocked at the anger in his face. "Have you even stopped to think about how I might feel? Maybe I'm willing to lose these things for you. You are the most important person in my life (Y/N). Please just....think about this." You sighed. He was really persistent, and you didn't wanna hurt him but you had to do this for him. "I don't need to-" He intterupted you before you could finish. "I propose an ultimatum. Saturday, during the meteor shower. I'll come out here and wait. You'll have the hour and a half. Think about it. If you show up before the last meteor then we can stay together and put all this behind us, if you don't then I'll know your answer." You nodded. If this was the only way for him to leave you be, then you'd do it. You turned to walk home when you felt a hand on your wrist. "(Y/N). I love you." You sighed. "I know." You pulled your hand away and walked home.

A/N: I'm not crying, you are, stfu

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