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You thanked the gods for your stamina and the lack of people in the streets. They were all in their gardens watching the meteor shower as you sprinted through town, making one very very quick stop before continuing on your run through the empty streets. Not even the slight incline on the road could stop you from running flat out. Rounding the corner and vaulting the gates you got to where you needed to be.....but he wasn't here. You looked around, trying to spot any sign of him, no car, no blanket where he was sat. Your heart broke. You'd missed him. You'd missed your only chance. You sunk down to the grass, shaking with tears you were desperate not to let fall, clutching the item you bought to your chest. "I' sorry, Keishin...Im so sorry for being so stupid.....I....I love you so much." You turned your head up to the sky, the tears streaming down your cheeks once again. "Please...whoever's up there....give me one more chance.....please.." you choked on another sob before you hear footsteps. You look up and your eyes meet..... Keishin's.

Your heart swells with hope as you stand, scrubbing at your eyes with the back of your hand, not that it stopped your tears. You sniffled as you looked to him again, taking a step closer. "H...hi." He doesn't say anything. He crossed the space between you and pulls you into his arms, hugging you tight. You let another lung shaking sob escape your mouth as you hug him back, crying into his chest. "I thought....I thought you'd left...I thought I'd missed my only chance...I-" he cut you off by pressing his lips to yours. Your tears fell harder as you felt all of his emotion on his lips. He pulled away from the kiss but left his forehead against yours, his hand cupping your cheek. "I will always wait for you." You closed your eyes and stood there with him, the only sound was the sound of the wind in the trees and your occasional sniffles. You moved away slightly and held out the package to him. He gave you a confused look but continued to open it, his eyes raising and his eyes widening upon seeing what was inside. "Seeing as....we can't exactly wear promise rings or bracelets or anything at school without them being noticed....I thought....maybe necklaces could be put under our clothes and we'd be able to wear them without anyone got them....I'm's dumb you don't have to wear it." He shakes his head, his urgency shocking you. "No, I'll wear it. Can you put it on?" Your eyes well again as you pick up the chain, fastening the clasp around his neck. You gently run your finger over the little pendant of a firefly, the bug he told you all about that night you realised you loved him. He did the same with yours, planting a small kiss on your nose after clasping it. His broad smile infecting you as a grin spread across your own cheeks. He took your hand. "Come on, let's go home."

*7 Years Later*

You rolled your eyes and giggled as Keishin chased Aiko around the still half unpacked living room. You bent down and picked up another box to take through to yours and Keishin's room, leaving the two to have some fun. They'd been working really hard and you were really proud of both of them. You couldn't help your smile as you heard your daughter's joy filled squeal as Keishin had evidently caught her and begun to tickle her. You began unpacking the things and putting them in their places. You sat down on the bed and smiled as you pulled out an envelope. You knew exactly what this envelope was. You pulled out the paper inside and began reading. You got halfway through when Aiko came running into the room and hiding behind your legs. "Save me mama, save me!" You giggled and picked her up as she nuzzled into your neck letting out little giggles every now and then. Keishin came bounding into the bedroom, a huge smile on his face before he pouted playfully. "Aww, mama's saved you huh. Guess that means I can't get you anymore then." His eyes drifted to the paper on the bed before they widened. "Is that what I think it is?" You smile and nod as he sits on the bed, his eyes scanning the page. "I can't believe you kept it." You laughed. "Of course I did." You smiled more as you pinched Aiko's cheek gently. "Why would I not keep some proof that Papa's a big softie?" She giggles and sticks her tongue out at Keishin. "Papa's a big teddy bear." She squealed and his in your neck more as Keishin stood up and came over, hugging you both and pulling you down onto the bed in a group hug. "Well, lucky for you this Teddy bear loves you both very very much." You smile and Aiko hugs him tightly, her little 3 year old arms struggling to wrap all the way around Keishin's neck. "We love you too Papa. Don't we Mama." Your wedding ring shone in the light as you tucked some hair behind your ear. "Of course we do, Firefly. Of course we do."


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