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You and Keishin had been living together for quite a while now. It was going well. No one was suspicious, no one suspected anything and you had gained more sleep when next to him than you had in years. As you both sat at the table to eat breakfast, you couldn't help but smile at how excited Keishin was. The boys had FINALLY gotten a game with another team. He wouldn't tell you which team, not even the boys knew, but Takeda had worked hard to get this match so you were sure that it would go well. Somehow, Coach had managed to persuade the school that, because you two lived close to eachother, he'd drive you to and from the match. This meant that you didn't have to leave as early to catch the bus AND you didn't have to put up with Noya and Tanaka screaming all the journey. A blessing in disguise really.

The journey to your undisclosed destination was quite fun. You and Coach chatted about his highschool years and his Grandfather and background in volleyball, about how you and Shoyo knew eachother and we're so close, about how you came to play dodgeball. Your cheeks bloomed red when his hand came to rest on your thigh and he uttered a truly lewd thing "I'm glad you joined dodgeball, that flexibility is a reeeeal advantage." You swatted his hand away, giggling as he winked at you.

You went silent when you started to recognise your surroundings. You understood now why no one told you where the match was. It had been quite a while since you'd been to Aoba Johsai and you were NOT happy to be back. After Coach parked up you got out of the car without saying a word, grabbing the bags of stuff and and heading inside. The bus was already parked so they'd be in the gym by now. You pulled up the hood on the hoodie that Coach had given you (it was plain and he'd never worn it to school so no one knew it was his). You hoped to god no one would recognise you in the halls but you knew for a fact you'd be recognised in the gym by every single member of the team and you weren't looking forward to reuniting with their setter. You hadn't spoken to him since a week after you moved. You'd been too busy. He was a very clingy person and you were slightly scared of how he would react. Opening the door to the gym, you slipped inside, hoping you were inconspicuous. Setting the bags down where they needed to go you tried to ignore the weary looks from the boys. You took a deep breath as you pulled down your hood, wincing slightly at the small gasps from the opposite team. You heard the doors to the gym open but kept your head down until you heard a familiar voice and the sound of running footsteps "(Y/N)-CHAN!"

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