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Y/n pov

I looked through the closet and eventually settled on a large white shirt and some black shorts.

After getting comfortable in my bed I pulled the covers up allowing my heavy eyelids to fully shut, I was so tired that I ended up falling asleep almost instantly.

Your thoughts/dream
(pun very much intended UwU)
(Also for all you weirdos out there yes I know what uwu means I put it there as a joke lmao)

Get back here" I continued running looking back at the three boys following close behind me.

I picked up my speed a little while  giggling as I easily out ran the others.

I was way ahead of them until I tripped on a small log causing me to fall forward on my stomach.

I was about to get back on my feet trying to scramble off the ground I felt someone catch up and sit on top of me.

I humphed out in annoyance before I was being flipped over on to my back.
I look up to see a boy standing over me his shadow blocking me from the sun.

He reached out his hand and pulled me to my feet.

"Looks like we caught you princess"

I smiled at the nickname and looked up to his face but it was just a blur quite literally.

I look towards the others who also had a blurred out face which was quite unsettling.

"Let's go eat"

We all walked back to a small village and sat down at a large wooden picnic table with various food like bread cheese and fruits.

We all sat there chatting with the other boys who by the way were about 9-10 years old.

It was like we had no care in the world, it seemed like we had been talking for hours.

I was enjoying myself, I soon felt... different. Uneasy. A dark shadow like substance took over my surroundings.

I fell into a state of panic watching the boys in front of me continue to laugh while my breathing got heavy.

The table turned dark and the food crumbled apart turning into nothing.
I look up at the boys who had obtained the dark substance their skin slowly turning into dust and while being swept away in the wind.

I quickly got up from the wilting table watch the faint specks of dust fly away.

I tried to grab a hold of something soon realizing the tips of my fingers started to dust away.

Panic arose while tears slipped from my eyes. I tried to shake my head watching my hands crumble apart.

Everything was spinning while more tears slipped from my eyes.

Then everything went black.

I screamed and cried as the floor beneath me had vanished and I had fallen into what seemed like a never ending black hole.

I couldn't tell how long it was but I was falling for what seemed like days but was only a couple of seconds.

As I continued to fall I watched more of my body change the remaining dust traveling away above me.

I lost hope and everything was fuzzy,
until I hit the ground.
Just as I could feel myself hit the floor....

Your POV

My body jolted up and I started breathing heavily.
It felt like I had been electrocuted from how badly I was shaking.

I put my arms around myself wrapping around my stomach as if I was giving myself a hug.

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