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Y/n dream POV

We were all sitting outside in an open grass field running around and play wrestling with the same boys from before.

This time we were all teenagers around 16ish.

We were all laughing and talking until one of the boys ran off pulling myself along with him.

We ran into a forest with many thin tall birch trees only allowing small amounts of light to peak through the tree tops
We continued running and laughing as we stumbled into the forest before coming to a stop.

The boy wearing the green hoodie pulled my into a sudden hug the impact causing me to stumble as we fell to the ground still laughing as we held on to each-other.

We stopped laughing and he looked down at me I still couldn't see his face but I could tell he was looking into my eyes.

His hand was on either side of my face and his knees on either side of my waist.

We stayed like this looking at each other before he snapped out of his thoughts and got off from me.

He held out his hand and helped me up as he pulled me up from the ground I once again came face to face with the boy only a few inches away.

We were lost in thought staring into each other until the boy finally spoke up breaking my trance.

"y/n I- I like yo-"

before he could finish we were interrupted by screaming.


We turn back to where the others were and started running to the field.

As we got there my jaw dropped.

Not that far away from us was one of the boys on the floor trying to push himself up.

I look across from the boy to see the other being held back by two people which I was assuming to be some kind of guards judging by the uniform next to them was  a slightly taller man with horns on his head standing in front of him holding a sword to his throat.

I rushed over to the boy on the ground helping him to his feet I look back at the other who was still struggling to break free.

Tears were threatening to spill out from my eyes as I watch in horror.

He was about to kill him until his eyes caught sight of mine.

He did some kind of hand gesture and the two guards let go of the boy who immediately collapsed onto his knees.
The boy scrambled to his feet running away from the guards and standing next to me as he rubbed his arm from being held so tightly.
The man walked towards me and revealed two younger boys standing behind him who looked slightly older then myself. There faces were also blurred out but one of them had the same strange horns on either side of his head well the other was wearing a dark coloured beanie over his black hair.
The boys caught sight of mine and the one with horns whispered something under his breath to his friend still keeping his eyes trailed on mine I wasn't able to make out what he had said from where I was standing but I knew it wasn't good.

The taller man walked towards me the guards following close behind.
As they got closer the three boys circled around me in a protective way.
The boy wearing the green hoodie stepped in front putting his arm out in front of me as if he was blocking the guards from hurting me which soon backfired
The two guards easily pushed him aside since they were both much older and taller and grabbed both of my arms holding me back.
I tried to fight it but they were just to strong and wouldn't even budge.

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