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Wilbur brought me over to the walls of l'manburg and we walked out so we were just in front of our base.

I looked forward to see dream and the others waiting and staring at me.

"So y/n.... who do you choose"

I let out a long sigh knowing once I make my decision there's no going back. 

I'm sorry but... I choose l'manburg.

"Alright. But just know this means we will show no mercy towards you"

I nodded sadly before turning back to the other members as we headed back into our base.

I let out a sigh of relief that the awkward tension had lifted.

~time skip to a few days later~

I had grown very close with everyone especially Niki the past few days we managed to get a lot done.
I even helped tubbo build a small bee box and stitched a little bee patch on his jacket which he very much appreciated.
I also helped fundy with his gardening and niki and I did some baking together quite often.

One day we were all very excited because eret had promised he had made a secret weapon we could use against the dream smp.
The day had finally come where he would show us what he had been working on for days and the excitement had never been higher.
Eret led the team down a large tunnel and I couldn't help but awed at the work.
The tunnel was lined with the same colours used for the wall around our base.
Niki and I walked side by side towards the end of the tunnel, eret stopped walking as we reached an iron door and turned back at us.
What caught me off guard was his expression it wasn't as much of a happy look more like sad and sorry full.
I rubbed it off thinking he was probably just tired from the work put into this and followed him through the door with niki and the others close behind.
In the room contained various chests surrounding the area with a small sign above each one with our name on it.
We all gathered around our assigned chest still jumping with excitement as to what the chest would contain.
Swords? Weapons? Enchanted apples? Potions?

He finally told us we could look in our chest and with no delay we all eagerly lifted the lid of the chest.
Our faces dropped drastically in disappointment as the chest in front of me was completely empty.
I looked back at the others who seemed to be experiencing the same issue as myself.
I was about to speak but before I could all I could hear was...

"I'm sorry...."

I look towards the middle of the room to see eret push down on a button placed on the floor.

Soon after the doors all collapsed around us and the iron door completely shut tight behind me.

I looked back towards the now open space as none other then dream George and sapnap barged in covered head to toe in enchanted netherite armour and swords.
I watched In horror as my friends did all they could to fight back it was an unfair battle since we let our guard down with no armour or weapons.

(Slight gore warning)

Dream ran towards towards tommy and with a swift motion moved his sword towards the boys stomach creating a large deep cut.
The boy fell to his knees clutching his stomach in pain as blood spilled out of the fresh wound.
Dream continued his way around the space beating up fundy and tubbo in the process.
I turn to my side to see George running full speed towards me.

His sword swung in my direction as I did my best to dodge his attacks. But he was to fast.
He cut up my stomach and leg and threw me into the wall
I was slowly falling in and out of conciseness seeing my friends lying around the room in pain.
I look up to see George crying into sapnap's side
Why is George crying?
I look over at the others to see niki lying next to me on her side holding her arm in pain with tears rolled down her face.

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