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Tw/ this chapter will have a section about a character having a panic attack and mentions of death.

If you are uncomfortable reading about that I will include a bold tex to let you know when to skip.

If you experience stress or have panic attacks then just know my dms are always open if you need someone to talk to I have been told I'm a good listener and I may know a few things about it myself :)

~the next Morning~

I felt something or someone pulling me up from the ground.

I didn't have any strength to fight back or any emotion left to scream or react.

I was pulled towards the tower more like dragged there.

I then was put back into my cell that I now called home since the past few days.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Alex come by my cell and looked as if he was gonna say something but he just left my tray of food and walked away.

I didn't even get up from my bed.

I didn't want to move or eat or do anything until I knew tubbo was ok.

I need to get out of here.

Tommy POV

Wilbur was pulling me back as tears started falling down my face.

My best friend has just been killed.

In this world people can "respawn"
But you can only do that so many times.

I wanted to kill schlatt.

I saw tubbo body fall limp on the floor as schlatt walked over it like it was nothing.
Eventually the crowd was gone.
Y/n was taken back to prison.
Wilbur and techno made there way back to base.

But I couldn't just leave tubbo behind.

After I was sure everyone was gone I made my way down from the tower towards the hill
I kneeled down next to his body my head falling in my hands.
My face was stained with dry tears and I had no tears left to cry.

(ain't got no tears left to cryyyyyy ahem sorry)

I glanced over to the boys body and noticed his bee plushy still in hand. He kept it all this time.

I checked his pulse which was still there but slow and faint.

I picked up tubbo (piggy back) making sure to take the bee plushy with me.
I made my way down the hill and stopped at the gates leading to the woods.
Stood not to far away from me was Wilbur.

He gave me the look almost looking for answers.

"I can't just leave him here Wilbur he's safer with us"

He just nodded and walked with me back to our base.

~time skip~

I kept going over the area in my mind.
Last night since I was to weak to fight back I focused my attention to the way back to my cell.
I did my best to memorize the turns and hallways so I could find my way back.

I had a photographic memory

(which basically means you think in pictures rather then words for example you can remember someone's looks rather than name)

Which was very useful and I already had a somewhat detailed map in my head of how to escape.
I planned out everything I just had to wait for the right time.

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