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Warning this chapter will contain mentions of blood and possible gore

"It's gonna be ok"

~time skip~

I sat in my room sitting on my bed my eyes feeling puffy and sore.
It had only been a few days since the election I hadn't been able to sleep, eat anything, or leave my room. Every so often someone would come into my room to bring me food and check on me since I wouldn't leave my room but I refused every single time.
The most I was able to sleep was only a couple hours total.
Every time I would close my eyes I would see schlatt and get these awful visions of Wilbur and tommy which usually ended with them lying on the ground covered in blood well schlatt stood behind them.

I heard a slight gentle knock on my door before George walked in.

He was always the one who visited me since dream was often busy and I didn't want to see sapnap again since he started working as one of schlatts minions and soon grew a hatred for me and I haven't seen him since.

"How are you doing"

I didn't say anything In fact no matter how many times he would check on me I hadn't said a word.

"Well if your not gonna talk then I will. Listen we haven't found Wilbur or tommy yet and as you know sapnap has joined schlatt."

He sighed as he saw me resting on my side and he began to walk over.
As he came over his eyes caught sight of the tray of food he had brought me which sat there untouched.
He sat on the bed next to me my body still remained turned away from him.

"You need to eat something princess no matter how much you don't want to I don't want to see you starve to death."

I remained still on my side and he sat up from the bed.

"I have to go now but please eat something"

And with that he walked out of my room closing the door slightly not enough to hear the click.

I still didn't budge but my eyes were beginning to feel heavy.
It was mid day and I tried to fight with the tiredness of my body but it was a battle I couldn't win.
I hadn't slept for 3 days straight only taking small naps and my body needed sleep.
I let my eyes close and the dreams immediately took over.


I sat on the ground my mind replaying the scenes on repeat.
The way they looked me in the eyes before the guards took them away.

George was trying to hold back his tears well still doing his best to comfort me.
We grew up together and now the love of my life has been taken away from me and there's nothing I can do.

Months passed and I still haven't seen y/n.

A few years passed by in a flash I was now 21 and I still haven't see them since.

At this point I had given up and the thought of her was close to gone.

I tried to make other friends and meet new people but it just didn't feel right.
I still kept George and sapnap close and we grew up together in the village our bond couldn't be closer.

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