Christmas Invasion

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Hello everyone to doctor Christmas special. This is to celebrate the 11th series of doctor who and jody as the doctor. So I hope you enjoy thank you. 

Christmas invasion 

In London micky  was working in his car work shop fixing some cars. When he heard the tardis noise in the background he frowned and asked his friends to turn the Christmas music off "turn that music off. Stop working" the music get turned off and he heard the tardis. Really excited about seeing it again after the last adventure. 

He ran to where the noise was coming from and looked around as he did that. In roses house Jackie was hanging decermation on the tree. When she picks up a present that had roses name on it she sighs and placed it under the tree. When she was about to put a card up when she heard the tardis noise "rose". She run out of the house and see micky. So she ran to him and smiled at him really excited to see rose again "I told you rose was alive she coming back. I heard the tardis where it coming from" "I don't know hang on can you hear that "said micky while looking to see where the tardis was coming from. When they heard a spark sound coming from the sky and the tardis came into veiw and went over their heads. So they  lowering their body to the ground as the tardis and crashed into the corner of the wall. Nearly knocking over some bins. 

They both ran to it and see the door opens and the doctor walked out "we here earth we made it I did it Jackie , micky no no no there's something I got to say. Wait what is it I know merry Christmas" and he falls to the ground and Charlotte come out frowning  "is he OK " "he just killed over who is he where the doctor Andrew "said micky as he wonder who this man is. Rose frowns as she came put the tardis  and looks at the doctor" that's him he the doctor "" the doctor. Doctor who " said Jackie as they look at the doctor and it goes into the theam tune. The tardis fly through the time vortex and it introduces the cast of the show. And the title and then we arrive back in roses house the doctor was lying on the bed as Charlotte sat next to him. As rose and Andrew stand in the door way When Jackie came in and gave her a stethoscope and smiled " so I got this from next door she got a lodger so I just took it. But why can't we take him to hospital" "no as his blood will change the world now sh." said rose as she checks the doctor hearts to see if they are working. 

"both working" "what do you mean both" said Jackie as she wonder what she meant by both. Charlotte got off the bed and walked to the door "he got two hearts he has" "don't be stupid anything else he got two of "asked jackie as she looked at the doctor smiling. Rose frowned and they both walk to the kitchen" leave him alone "when they left the doctor opens his mouth a this yellow light came out. And floated in the air towards space but where it going least find out. As it did that back in the kitchen Charlotte was getting something out the fridge when rose walked out of the doctor room "hey get out of my fridge "" sorry I was hungry "Charlotte said as she closed the door" no its fine carry on do you want something Andrew "she winked at  him without mickey notice as Andrew nods as they get something and they walks to the room as Charlotte talks to roses mum " is he the same man or he a diffrent person "" how should I know. Sorry I just thought me and him where. And he goes and dose this. The biggest question is though where did you get men pyjamas from " said Charlotte as she wonder where she got them from. 

Jackie smiled and looked at her while holding her hand as rose watches "it's from the man from the market he been sleeping over "" wow that's really good Jackie. Hang on is that Harriet Jones "said Charlotte as she heard Harriet Jones on the TV and walks to it as Andrew and rose join then " oh don't worry about me "" Harriet Jones "said Charlotte as she lisern to the TV and they heard about the trip to Mars. Rose looked at her mum and smiled" I'm doing well I better off. They calling it Britain golden age I told people that my rose has meet her "" yeah we have Harriet Jones. I'm going to go shopping with Andrew and mickey see you later you coming Charlotte "said rose as she smiled at her mum. And  wonder if Charlotte going to come. She smiled and they headed into town to do some shopping. Micky, Charlotte and Rose where walking round with Charlotte buying food and present "ahh this is nice a lovely Christmas night" "yeah I agree I think you forget days that part when your in the tardis " said rose as she walked with them as she hoped the doctor will be OK. But she cared more about Andrew then anything else but she did not want to tell mickey that. 

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