Impossible Planet

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On earth 

Charlotte was getting her toothbrush from her house as rose stood near the door with Andrew  . "so where we going today Andrew " "not we the doctor and Charlotte not  us "Andrew said as he held roses hand" but why doctor. We want to come this is ridiculous I know they having a child but we deserve to come to "" because rose he has alway love charlotte since his  ninth body he never love you cause it is charlotte it will always be charlotte but least you got me honey "Andrew explained why they can not come with the doctor and Charlotte " how dear he. He betrayed me I'm really mad at him and Charlotte because of the baby. Well we deserve some time to ourself come on " she took Andrew hand as they walk past Charlotte Rose frowned" I hope you happy now. Because this means war we are not friends anymore I hope you both are happy with you new baby because from this day on I don't know you "she pushed Charlotte to the ground and walked off with Andrew hand in hand. 

" are you ok charlotte are you hurt "" I'm fine honey "she said as the doctor ran to her hugging her as he cheeked her over " what now honey "" never mind them come on our adventure awaits my lady "he opend the door as they both go in as the tardis vanished and lands in some sort of room. 

" I don't know what's wrong though. She's sort of queasy. Indigestion, like she didn't want to land it either your bad driving or there's trouble afoot "Charlotte smiled as they both larght" honey where are you anyway "" I think we've landed inside a cupboard. Here we go " he said as he held her hand as they walk through the place .

Open door 15

" Some sort of base. Moon base, sea base, space base. They build these things out of kits"

Close door 15. 

"sound like it's raining cats and dogs out there unfortunately I did not being my umbrella so we be stuck anyway "

Open door 16

" Human design. You've got a thing about kits. This place was put together like a flat pack wardrobe, only bigger. And easier " my dad would love your help fixing things " Charlotte giggled as they walked further through the ship. 

Open door 17. 

"Oh, it's a sanctuary base""this place is bigger then my bedroom "Charlotte grins. 

Close door 17. 

"Deep Space exploration. We've gone way out. And listen to that, underneath. Someone's drilling " oh that's not a great message to send welcome to hell it makes you want to stay away " Charlotte said as she looked at something "Oh, it's not that bad honey" "well that what it said on that wall over there  "Charlotte showed him as they looked at the writing underneath" Hold on, what does that say? That's weird, it won't translate "" hang on we can't read it has that ever happened before honey " Charlotte was confused why was this not translated" Exactly. If that's not working, then it means this writing is old. Very old. Impossibly old. We should find out who's in charge. We've gone beyond the reach of the Tardis' knowledge. Not a good move. And if someone's lucky enough". 

Open door 19.

The doctor opens the door as ood come in making them both jump "Oh! Right. Hello. Sorry. I was just saying, er, nice base""We must feed"they chant" You've got to what?""We must feed"they chant agsin walking near them " OK honey um back away I think they want to eat us and I don't look like a hotdog or chicken do i "" We must feed. We must feed. We must feed. We must feed.We must feed. We must feed. We must feed. We must feed. We must feed. We must feed. We must feed. We must feed. We must feed. We must feed.We must feed"and it goes into the theam tune. 

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