Date Night

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Author note : hello welcome to a little story I thought I put in this series. Now this love story was meant to be added to series four. But I thought I add a kissing Sean in this series to show how much the doctor and Charlotte are in love hope you enjoy thank you allonzy and geronimo. 

In the tardis rose was showing micky round the tardis as the doctor, Charlotte and Andrew where in the tardis console talking. "I wonder what they talking about. I hope he ok" "same he just needs time on his own he just lost somone "rose said as they walk down the corridor looking around. 

Meanwhile in the controle room Charlotte was talking to Andrew as the doctor read her letter again with shock and he knew he had to take her on a date. So he turned to the two friends and smiled "hey Andrew could you get rose for me" "sure doctor be right back "he smiled as he walked off to find rose and mickey leaving the doctor and Charlotte alone" Charlotte can I take you to a restaurant and a nice hotel if you want before we go on our next adventure "" you asking me out on a date I would love to I go and get change "she smiled as she was about to go and get changed but the doctor held her hand" you look beautiful just the way you are "she blushes as she looked into his eyes as they walk out of the tardis to a restaurant near to where the tardis was landed. 

The doctor open the door for her as she walked in " thank you" he grins and they sit down ready to eat. Back in the tardis rose, mickey and Andrew where walking back to the console as they realise that Charlotte and the doctor where not there "doctor , Charlotte you still here" "what did he want to talk about Andrew "said rose as she wonder what the doctor wanted to talk about. Andrew shock his head and shurged" I don't know be just said he wants to talk to you now he gone "" the tardis door open "mickey pointed to the door to see it was open a bit. So they walk to it slowly and opens it and looked around" we on earth and there nothing out there "" least look around " rose frowned as they both noded and they asked out the tardis doors. 

When they look around mickey noticed the doctor and Charlotte in a restaurant "hey over here" "what they doing in there "rose wonder as they looked through the window Andrew grabes a poster and a liserning device from his pocket" where did you get that "" oh I have contacts "Andrew smiled and put the poster on the wall. And the liserning device on the poster and smiled" we can hear what they say from the tardis come on "" But we can't see what they doing "mickey wonder as he looked at rose Andrew smiled and placed a camera through a hole he made in  the poster" there come on "and the three of them ran into the tardis closed the door and set up the scanner so they could hear and see what they doing. 

In the restaurant Charlotte and the doctor where eating as they look into each other eyes "what you thinking" "how beautiful you are. How lucky I am to love you "he smiled touching her hand as she blushed at his touched" thank you honey "" your welcome "he touched her cheek as rose huged Andrew " I love you Andrew "" I love you to rose "Andrew whisper as they hug" call me David "" your moving fast "she grins as the music started to play. 

He stood up and touched her hand "will you dance with me" "always "she stood up as they head to the dance floor and dances. The music played and Charlotte enjoyed this night it was the best night ever the doctor held onto Charlotte waist as they dance. His other hand touched her skin gently as she laid her head on his chest "David why do you love me. I'm no one special you know" he stoped and looked at her and touched her cheek "your the most important thing to me" she blushes as he kiseed her ear she moans a bit as she could feel his breath on her skin. 

A hour later 

They finished dancing and where heading to the the hotel as the other watch in the tardis "where they going" "look like they going to a hotel come on least follow them "Andrew smiled as they walked out of the tardis to the hotel. Meanwhile back with Charlotte and the doctor they found themselves a room and closer the door Charlotte closed the blinds and turned to the doctor. She touched her shoulder and starts to take her top off but it got stuck so she left it alone and sat on the bed. The doctor joins her kissing her neck "I never felt this way before" "me neither do you have children "she asked turning to him as he took her hand kissing it" yes but they died a long time ago "" I'm sorry about that. But if you meet the right person would you want more children "she turned her hole body on the bed. 

He thought about it as he touched her cheek "I have found my true love and mabey one day" she smiled and touched his tie taking it off he smiled wildly and helps her take her clothes off. And ten minutes later they had no clothes on the doctor grins touching her chest "how did we get into this situation" "I have no idea want to know how it end "she smiled placing a hand in her stomach and he knew what she was telling him so he moved closer to her picking her up as they lay on the bed and they make out as rose, Andrew and mickey watch from the window in surprise.

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