Army Of Ghost

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My name is Rose tyler 19 years of my life nothing happened. Nothing at all but then I meet Andrew a man who I feel in love with . And he showed me the world I was going to stay with him forever well that what I thought. 

Then came the army of ghost. Then came torchwood and the war. This the story of how I died. The last story I ever told. 

Army of ghost 

In London  a few miles away from the city. Near the houses the tardis landed near a small park. The door opens and Charlotte came out with her backpack. And closed the door it opened again as the doctor came out he held her hand and they headed to rose house. 

When they got there rose Andrew and Jackie where already there Jackie hugeded her as she came in "hey Charlotte you back we all mist you " "it's good to see you Jackie " said Charlotte while hugging her. As she came in after they hugeded. Charlotte walked off and Jackie kissed the doctor and hugeded him and walked into the living room. 

When she walked into the living room Andrew huged Charlotte as rose pulled him away from her and they sat down "anyway  I got a present for you, this tell the weather. If it going to rain it goes a diffrent color if not it change to another color "" I got a present for you to" said Jackie as she smiled at Charlotte who was holding a present for her. She sighs and lowers the gift "I give her a present and your not even Intrested and what my surprise. And I don't want to guess just tell ne" "guess who it is and OK well it's your gran she coming any minutes I make a cut of tea " said Jackie as she smiled and walked into the kitchen. 

Charlotte looked shock she did not know what to say her gran was dead. So how could she  come back "well she lost it my nan died " "tell me something new and I'm confused to " said the doctor as they walk into the kitchen as Jackie was making tea" um Jackie my nan dead did my mum tell you she died of cancer . Remember so how can she  come back""any moment now here she is say hello to Charlotte she miss you ". 

Said Jackie as a ghost came in and stood next to her and the doctor and Charlotte looked at it wonder what is going on. As they stood there a few miles away in canary wharf the new base for torchwood. Yvonne was walking from her office to the computer bit where they put the ghost shift on "OK guys time for the next ghost shift" and two people pulled the leaver to fall maximum and watched as the ghost started to come through. 

Back at roses house and Jackie took them all out and they saw the ghost apeard "no one screaming or shouting" "they don't last long before they faid away "said Jackie as she looked at her watch and the ghost disappeared" we just had our 100 ghost shift give yourself a clap "and they all claped and carried on with their work. Back at roses house and they where watching the TV to see All about the ghost. But then the doctor had enough of it so he switch it off. 

" so when did they first arrive on earth "" well it was about a few months back and they just arrived. Everyone panic no sign of you thank you very much and there they where "said Andrew explaining how they came to earth the first time. 

The doctor wanted to believe it  that ghost would be possible. But this was to weird and strange, so he knew there was something more to it. But before he could ask Charlotte cut in" how did you know it was her my mum never said anything ""it just felt like her  can't you feel it  " said Jackie as she looked at Charlotte as Andrew and rose sat on the bed holding hands but Charlotte shock her head and she could not feel anything. 

" I can't feel anything "" you got to want it Charlotte "said Jackie as she wanted her to feel how she fells. But the doctor knew this was wrong they look like ghost but a footprint dose not look like a boot" look I know you want it to be her to he alive for Charlotte sake . But she  just a echo in your imagination I'm sorry""your just spoling it there someone at the door " said Jackie as she looked at the doctor angry. 

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