Love And Monsters

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A man runs to see the tardis party near a building he walked to it. Nearly touching it when he heard voices and ran in the building hearing Charlotte and the doctor voice "honey honey we need to lure him in the trap ""Where's he gone Can you see him"the doctor voice ran out in the building " wait he gone that way stop honey !"""Where? Where " the doctor voice said as Elton walked to the door and opens it. And a monster came out" That's what it did. It went roar! And if you think that was the most exciting day of my life, wait till you hear the rest. Oh boy. So there I was, with that thing going roar!"" Here, boy. Eat the food. Come on, look at the lovely food. Isn't that nice? Isn't it? Yes, it is. Get out of here, quickly. That's a boy. Wouldn't you like a porky-choppy then? I said run!  Wrong one. You made it worse"the doctor said as Charlotte threw the bucket over the monster " hang on you said this color" " I said not blue Hold on!. Hold on. Don't I know you " the doctor came out after they chased the alien with the red bucket. The doctor looked at Elton and frowned as he ran off" You can't imagine it. The Doctor's machine. The most beautiful sound in the world.Yet that wasn't the first time I met the Doctor, and it certainly wasn't the last. Oh, no. I just put that bit at the beginning because it's a brilliant opening, but this is the story of me, and my encounters with alien lifeforms. But be warned, because it is going to get scary. I need a remote control zoom. I'm having to do that with the lean. The scary. But look, don't worry, 'because it's not just me sitting here talking. Oh, no. That's Ursula on camera"  "Hello" ursula said waving"My good friend, Ursula Blake, on my brand new camera That was my family home. Down there. I did try, but there's two women live there now and they're a bit severe. So never mind. But that is where it all started. That's when I first met the Doctor. What was it? I must have been three or four years old. Middle of the night, went downstairs, and there was this man"" So what happened? Elton, tell me. Why was he there"she asked wondering what happened " I don't know. I still don't Okay, first thing's first, my name is Elton. Er, not to be confused with I left school, got a job. Transport Manager, Rita Logistics, modest little haulage company. Perfectly normal life, and then it all went mad. Two years ago, I was in town, I was stocking up. You know, nothing special, all the usual stuff, when all of a sudden Shop window dummies come to lifeI survived, obviously Twelve months later, I'm back in town. I'm up west, looking for a new suit, something nice and smart, when I hear this plane overhead.  But it wasn't over yet, because then, Christmas Day. I'm in bed fast asleep, nice and cosy, quarter to eight in the morning, when all of a sudden And I was stuck in bed, right, 'because there's glass everywhere. And I was barefoot. I had to invent this rudimentary pulley system, just to reach my boots. And by the time I'd done that  And that's when it all started happening. That's how I met Ursula""His name is the Doctor"ursula said in a momory " That's how I met Victor Kennedy" "You stupid man " Victor said in his momory" That's how I met christen painter"" Oh, you don't meet many Eltons"she said in the momory " And that's how I finally met the Doctor, and realised the truth I should say, this isn't, you know, my whole life. It's not all spaceships and stuff, because I'm into all sorts of things. I like football. I like a drink. I like Spain. And if there's one thing I really, really love, Jeff Lynne and the Electric Light Orchestra. Because you can't beat a bit of ELO. So, great big spaceship hanging over London. Imagine the theories. The internet went into meltdown. But I kept on digging. Something was going on. Oh, yes. And then one day, on some obscure little blog by someone called Ursula Blake, it was like a chance in a million. It was him. It was that man again, but the photo was new. It was taken on Christmas Day, but Christmas just gone. And he looked exactly the same.""His name is the Doctor" Doctor what " Elton asked" That's all anyone knows. On Christmas Day I was taking photos all over the place. I went mad with it all. Spaceships and lasers and everything. We all went to Trafalgar Square that night, 'because everyone was celebrating just being alive. And I snapped him in passing, that's all. He was just some bloke. I didn't realise he was significant, until Mister Skinner pointed it out""Who's Mister Skinner""he asked "Oh, there's a few of us. The Inner Sanctum, all studying this Doctor""I've seen him. The Doctor. I swear to you, I saw him when I was a kid. He was in my house, and he was downstairs"he said as he told her about the doctor"  Don't tell me. He looked exactly the same then as he does now""yes. Yes! Oh, my God. You believe me"he smiled glad she believed him " You're not the only one, you know" So that's how I met Ursula. All thanks to the Doctor. Turns out we read all the same sites and she only lived half a mile away. She was like a proper mate. Poor Ursula. But like she said. There was this little community. The select few, all with their stories of the Doctor.This little gang used to meet up, underneath the old library on Macatier Street. Mister Skinner, first name Colin, but we always called him Mister Skinner. I don't know why, we just did" To me, the Doctor isn't a man, he's more a collection of archetypes " Mr Skinner said as he told them who the doctor is to him"Then there was Bridget"" All these different Doctors come and go, but the single constant factor is this faux police box. It keeps cropping up throughout history" Bridget said. 

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