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Rose :my name is Rose tyler and this is the story of how I died the last story I ever tell. 

Previous the doctor, Charlotte go home and find out while they gone. That ghost have come to earth and people thinks is their family or friends. So they go about their normal lives.  But when the doctor find out that torchwood involved with operning the tear. He heads over there and tell them to stop. But as they follow the signal that was sent from the ear peace. They find out it's the cyberman and all the ghost are cybermen. To which it's very bad indeed. On top of that they found a ball shaped ship which turned out to have dalek in it. This is one war that either going to end In tears or Victory.

Back in London a few miles away from the city stood the building of canary whalf. Inside the building in the room with rose, Andrew and micky and one of the scientists the dalek where edging closer to them shouting "exterminate" as they get ready to fire and something had to happen quick. So rose shouted at them to make them stop. "dalek I know your name. How can I know that I know about you and the time war so you can't kill us you got to keep us alive" "time war yeah me to " said Andrew, mickey and  the scientist together as the dalek eye stalk looked at them. Then it turned to another dalek asking about the tail chamber they brought with them "what about the genesis ark" "status hibernation we got reading of another life form marking themselves as ghost "said dalek jast as he told dalek thay what going on and how the genesis ark was getting on to. Dalek Carn moved out of the door and headed to meet thease ghost to find out who they where. As they did that back with the doctor, Jackie, Yvonne and Charlotte where still with the cyberman when they get alarm to tell them about the dalek. But they don't know it's them yet " we got another signal go and cheek it out" "I obey " said one of the cybermen and they went to see what the other life form where. Jackie was really worried she hoped that rose was safe and that they can all get home. Charlotte walked to her and hugeded her "it all be OK I promise we get out of here I know we will" "thanks Charlotte "said Jackie as she wiped her tear from her eye. And they watched the screen for when they see who eles they are facing. 

As they walk along the corridor they stopped and waited "open communication and put it on the screen" "open communication barrier "said the dalek as they move along the hall as the picture comes on the screen. As the eye stalk zooms in to see the cybermen there and the cybermen see the dalek there. Here comes their conversation" identify yourself "" no you identify yourself state your identity "said the dalek in response to what the cyberman said. Jackie looked at the doctor with fear as she heard about the dalek from rose and from what she told her they where dangerous. And she was worryed about her" rose told me about the dalek is she safe doctor "" phone "the doctor said as he got her phone and called Andrew he picked up. The doctor sighs with relief as he was alive which meant they all was alive and that they ok " they all  alive why have they not destroy them  yet""don't sound so surprised "said Jackie as she hit him in the arm and they carried on listening to the dalek and cybermen conversation to find our what going on. As they lisern back with the dalek and cybermen they where still talking "dalek don't take orders "" you have clarified as the dalek "said the cybermen as they clarified who the dalek where. The dalek moved closer to them scanning them" you are the cyberman what do you want "" well we can join together and convert the world together "said the cyberman as they want to work together to delete the universe. Dalek zapped the two cybermen and they fell down" exterminate "" I must talk to them daleks. Be warned you declared war on the cybermen "said the cybermen as they walk past the others to face the screen to talk to the dalek" this is not war this is pest control "" we have a million cyberman how many are you " said the cybermen as they asked the dalek how many they where as they declared war on them. 

" four of us""you would destroy us with four dalek " said the cybermen in shock to hear how many they where. As they thought there where more left nor did they know that in the genesis ark they are protecting had their secret weapon. Time Lord technology this is bad very bad and only one man can stop it the doctor, "we destroy you with one dalek cut communication. Wait go back a few frames who is that" "the male  seams to know him  tell us who he is ". Said dalek seck as he scans rose as the picture freeze with the doctor taking his glasses off. Andrew smiles and leans in to tell them who he is "he the doctor cyberman easy one doctor now your scared" "we lost communication with Andrew don't worry we get them and you out ok " said the doctor as he get of the phone and gives it back to Jackie while conferting her. As he knew they see Andrew and the others  again and get out of here she noded and watch as he walked to Charlotte who was looking out the window" you OK you seam sad is the baby ok  "" yeah I'm fine. And the baby find but they call me this hero the blue horse I don't know what to think  " said Charlotte as she hugs the doctor sobbing in his arms as he felt her bump. The Doctor was a bit confused about what she was talking about. But he could not get the genesis ark out of his head. What was it and what was inside that the dalek had to protect it so badly. Only time will tell what was inside and Charlotte was aprently by torchwood the only one who knew what was inside. And they told him she knew the end and that  she fears it so he carried on hugging her protecting her and the child. As he did that back in Yvonne office the cyberman was walking in talking to her " I need to speak to the world or the leader of this world" "we don't have a leader of earth "said Yvonne really confused about what the cybermen where talking about. So she did what it asked and the cybermen talk to all the human on earth. " people of earth don't fear we take that fear from you. You be like us, I order surrender "" you went into their home you got their children of course they going to fight " said Charlotte as she talk to the cybermen as they look onto the city below. To see everyone running away to get to safety away from the cybermen. The cyberman moved away from the window and looked at them all "well if they won't obey us we use you as our army take thoes two away" "no doctor help me you promised you get me home safe you promise no " said Jackie as her and Yvonne are carried away to where the cybermen where hiding and where waiting in line to get changed into cybermen. 

Torchwood And The War (Second in the Blue Horse Series)Where stories live. Discover now