wednesday, august 3rd

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KEY: Tara / Sahil

sometime around midnight

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sometime around midnight


what now

you're awake?

you texted me, hoping I was asleep?

can we do the questions now?

you've got to be kidding me

you left me on seen in the evening and now you're suddenly interested? 

can't this wait until morning?

i'm bored

surprise surprise, I'm not a TV

but you are mean as hell

you texted me

why aren't you asleep

don't you have school tomorrow?

my parents have friends over 

it's a gathering of sorts

there's tons of loud music 

then go enjoy the party na

I'm not invited


do you play any sports?

wow, you're actually talking to me

never thought I'd live to see it

it's more like texting but sure

i don't play any sports

does chess count?

i think so

i play chess too :)

i'm running for president of the drama club this year

bragging, huh?

more like stating a fact but sure

let me guess 

you're also playing romeo in this year's production?

we're doing othello

and I'm playing desdemona

what a perfect fit

shut up

we haven't decided on a play yet

okay, Mona

what club are you looking to join?

i'm not sure

can I ask you something?

i signed up for it ;)


if you're going to be president of drama club and everything, why volunteer to help new admissions?

it's a long story

it's okay if you don't want to share

maybe i do

what is your guess?

i barely know you

it's actually not that long of a story

but i'm gonna save it for later

okay :))

see, not being mean is easy

don't challenge me

do you have instagram?

whatever happened to anonymity?

I just want to se|


you want to see my face, don't you

don't be absurd 


I am breath-takingly handsome, though

just thought i'd let you know

you are such a pain

are your eyes brow|

are your eyes b|


save the questions for tomorrow

be prepared, star

Tara is hindi for star, isn't it


i didn't know you spoke any

oh, i speak plenty in the right company 


goodnight :)

aapko bhi :))



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