tuesday, august 16th

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KEY: Tara / Sahil

KEY: Tara / Sahil

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how have you been?

let's not make small talk please

I have two things to say: one statement, and one question.

but before that, I need to know

are you fine? did the pneumonia go away?

I'm alright. 

I spent all of Sunday at the doctor's and the fever is barely affecting me now

thank you for asking|

thank you|

I'm glad you're okay|

I'm glad you're|

I'm sorry for pushing you away. I should have let you explain.

I'm sorry too

what happened that day, Sahil? Where were you?

I swear on my Shakespeare collection, Tara

I was outside 236, Lilac Avenue, North Street for a total of 2 hours and 16 minutes

I wanted to call your cell but I forgot my phone at home 

Wait, what?

I don't live at 236, Lilac Avenue, North Street

My house no. is 263, Lilac Avenue, North Street

I'm so sorry! I sent the wrong address oh my god

this is all my fault


I feel like such an arsehole, I'M SO SORRY SAHIL

I should never have doubted you

So you believe me now?

I can't imagine how you must've felt

I'm so, so sorry

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