friday, september 2nd

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"I HAVE AN IDEA," Maya slams the wheel of her Volvo, the sheer excitement in her voice palpable

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"I HAVE AN IDEA," Maya slams the wheel of her Volvo, the sheer excitement in her voice palpable. "We should watch a classic romance movie! Who's got suggestions?"

It has been an hour since I texted our group chat letting everyone know I was headed to the cinema for a quiet movie date with Sahil, and it's safe to say no one took the hint and decided to mind their own respective business. Maya and Blake were outside my house in less than half an hour, all smirks and giggles, which is absurdly quick considering the daunting distance between our residential complexes.

Not that I'm complaining, though. I'd choose their banter over scooter meditation any day.

Blake groans from the backseat, leaning forward to rest his chin on the edge of the passenger seat, brushing my hair out of his face. "Not happening, Bhatt. You couldn't pay me to watch two hours of sappy dialogue."

I stifle a smile, throwing a pointed look in his direction. "Wasn't Rosalie just telling us about the tattoo you got--"

"Jeez, okay!" he holds up his hands in defense as Maya cracks a smirk. "I'll watch the goddamn movie, but blackmail isn't the way. Let me tell you ladies that much."

"It's alright to be emotional, dumbo. Sahil's favourite movie is 500 Days of Summer and it only makes him cuter," I tell him, observing the beautiful Juniper Hills landscape rush past us, serene and oblivious. A slight drizzle drowns the glass of my window in tiny raindrops, and the signature hillside mist obscures nearly everything else in sight.

"Rose made me watch that one. I hate to admit it, but I was an ungodly mess by the time it ended," Blake admits, threading a careless hand through his beach-blonde hair.

"We're here, gang." Maya pulls into the parking lot of the famous Juniper Hills Cinema and I make a fast attempt to untangle myself from the seat belt. "Tara, once we're in, ask Sahil to give us both free entry. He won't say no to you."

I open the door to my side and step out, shutting it close behind me. "I will do nothing of the sort," I say firmly, lifting a hand to shield my hair from the drizzle. "No one takes advantage of his undying love for me."

Blake laughs at the sarcasm in my tone, slinging a reassuring arm over my shoulder as we walk side-by-side to the deserted entrance. "Don't mind her. We're gonna pay for our entertainment and leave a tip. Okay?"


The interior of Juniper Hills' sole cinema hall smells delightfully familiar, a soothing mixture of butter popcorn and fancy room freshener spray. The hallway is long and covered in red carpeting, adorned on either side by elegant wooden counters where a small team of assistants is busy working to a leisurely lo-fi beat. "Hurry up. Break time ends in twenty!" a pale brunette wearing the standard JHC uniform yells, visibly distressed. "We need refills for the coke dispenser and Screen 2 needs vacuuming."

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