wednesday, august 10th

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KEY: Tara / Meghna

for the last time, Tara Gupta

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for the last time, Tara Gupta


of course you are

he's cute, Meghna Batra

take a chance yaar

OKAY enough about me

what about you?

found any hot town boys to drool over yet?

ew, Megh

we've been best friends for seven years and you still don't know I'm not the drooling kind

there is this one guy tho


my eyes have got to be kidding me

Tara is seeing someone?


we're just friends

that's what they all say, my luv

what is he like?

I bet he's something special, otherwise how in the world would you have agreed to be friends with him 

what's that supposed to mean


tell me about him!!

we only talk via texts (except that one time he called me and I fell asleep in the middle of the conversation)

he really is something different, though. He's so adorable it makes me wonder if he's really like that more times than I can count

he puts up with my annoying arse, makes a genuine effort to get to know me, is SUPER respectful of the things I say

I guess some people are just too good to be true :)

I'm so happy for you, boo

he sounds like a dream

how long have you guys been texting?

that's the freaking problem

we've only been texting for a week and I already feel so many things at once for him

everything is happening so fast, I can't tell if I'm setting myself straight up for heartbreak

tsk tsk, T

time is simply relative. Some people talk for years without feeling another for each other, and some people know they've found the one within a couple of days

take a risk yaar :)

I'm trying not to jump to conclusions. I mean I haven't even met the guy yet

for all I know, he could be a player

don't be so paranoid

not everyone is like Vaibhav 

do not remind me of that guy


I ask myself that everyday

what can I say? Love is blind 

(in your case that can be said quite literally)

hey hey hey

I never said I "love" him or anything

love is stupid

your romance novel collection begs to differ

why do you know me so well, Megh?

you've been annoying me for seven years, boo

that guy has nothing on me

no one does. Come visit na, it's so pretty here

I promise I'll try to convince Maa & Papa to let me visit you after mid-terms

I'll be waiting

I miss you so much, loser

I miss you more, M

fill me in on how the date goes okay

fosho <3

wish me luck ahhhh

Nikhil is one lucky guy ;)

that he is



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