friday, august 19th

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3:27 PM

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3:27 PM

you have one unread DM from maya_bhatt

maya_bhatt: Hey, stargirl. What are you guys up to?

Hey, I just got a cab. I'm meeting Sahil at the cinema in ten

maya_bhatt: Wait, let me add the douches to the chat. Hang on a second!

hamilton.blake: what is it?

maya_bhatt: Don't tell me you were sleeping at half past three, Blake.

whoinvitedsahil: Guys, can you please not disturb me right now? I think I told everyone in this chat that I have a super important job interview to prepare for

hamilton.blake: I wasn't asleep, Rose came over and we were -

No one asked ew 

hamilton.blake: I was gonna say we were making pancakes, but okay

maya_bhatt: Sahil, you need to chill. It's a part-time job interview at the local cinema, how tough could it be?

hamilton.blake: Oh, I know. Let's do a potential role play for Mr. Shakespeare over here

maya_bhatt: Sounds fun. Count us in! 

hamilton.blake: Hello, Mr. Roy. Are you here for the job interview?

whoinvitedsahil: I swear to god Blake Hamilton you are such a pain in the arse

Yes, I'm here for the interview. It's nice to meet you.

hamilton.blake: You too. Alright, we must start with the most important question of all: what is the perfect popcorn flavour?

Salted butter. 

hamilton.blake: That's correct! Next question: are Nachos really superior to popcorn when it comes to snacking during a movie?

No, sir. Popcorn is a classic and cannot be replaced.

maya_bhatt: Can we all take a moment to appreciate how accurate Tara's answers are? Is there anything this girl cannot do?

hamilton.blake: Your answer is correct. Third question--

whoinvitedsahil: Will anyone let me speak? Or are you guys just going to continue discussing popcorn for another fucking century?

Excuse me, what did you just say?

whoinvitedsahil: Sorry; but I don't think you three realise what the real issue is. I can only benefit from this roleplay if I'm going to be able to speak as clearly as Tara types, and we all know that's practically impossible

Don't say that. Any workplace is going to be lucky to have you and you're fully aware of that.

hamilton.blake: You're speaking just fine, man. Stop freaking yourself out. It gets worse if you worry, doesn't it?

whoinvitedsahil: The manager's gonna throw me out. I can't even talk! Four-year-olds do it better than me. This was a bad idea

maya_bhatt: Sahil, breathe! Take a chill pill, sweetie

I'll be there in five minutes - there's no need to panic. Sahil? Are you there?

whoinvitedsahil: I'm here, I'm here. I seriously don't know what I'd do without you guys. I'm such a lucky guy

hamilton.blake: Here we go again with the Broadway cheesiness

Hang in there, Romeo. I believe in you.

maya_bhatt: Oh my god, it's like they're made for each other 

whoinvitedsahil: You bet we are. Told you I'm a lucky guy.

hamilton.blake: Hurt her and I break your fucking nose

whoinvitedsahil: I thought you were my best friend? Actually, I get it. It's impossible not to care about the charming Tara Gupta

maya_bhatt: Should I be worried?

Sahil, turn around. I'm here!

maya_bhatt: I guess it's time to say goodbye, then

hamilton.blake: I'm afraid it is. See you losers in school?

Wish us good luck, you two

hamilton.blake: Damn, this guy really got lucky, didn't he?


a/n: Only two more chapters to go. Also, what do you guys think Tara's Instagram username would've been?

Let me know! x

Let me know! x

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