wednesday, august 17th

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I take one look at him and the universe erupts in cheer, an ecstatic celebration of fate and the people it sometimes leads us to. The party dissolves into nothingness, pop music growing fainter until it's just the two of us in the room. This is the boy who read Shakespeare aloud to me with zero knowledge of the kind of person I might be. The boy who taught me it's important to live everyday like it's one big gamble - to fall in love no matter how impossible the risk might seem. The boy who chose me over everyone else despite all the times I hurt him. The boy who accepted my doubts and never asked me to change. The boy who forgave me in spite of everything.

The boy who gives life to my dreams.

"Sahil, I--" my voice is a mere whisper, delighted and afraid at the same time. His lips part in bewilderment, and the scent of his cologne overpowers my senses as he closes the distance separating us. At last.

Sahil Roy wraps an arm around me and buries his face into my hair, locking us in an embrace so precious, I would trade my soul to experience it for the rest of my life. As if on cue, my hands move to caress the back of his head and my fingers are lost among the curls of his silken hair. "Star," he sniffles, sending waves of electricity down my spine. "You came."

"Of course I came," I half-sob into his shirt. "I had to see you."

"You're real," Sahil cries, his breath warm on the nape of my neck. "Holy shit, I can't--"

"Stop," I let go of his neck so we're face-to-face. I can't help but stare at him, drinking in the glasses he's wearing, the light freckles on his nose and the stray curl falling across his forehead, awestruck because it's all too ethereal to be true. "Or else I'm going to cry and you're gonna look like an idiot."

He laughs, and the warm tips of his fingers trail their way down to my palms, leaving goosebumps wherever they land. I lace our hands together, basking in the warmth of his embrace. "You are b-b-beautiful."

"Nervous?" I ask, flushing crimson.

"Nope," Sahil grins, lacking any hesitation. "Excited."

"Call me crazy," a sly, boyish voice declares. We both turn simultaneously to see the boy from earlier standing beside Maya, wearing a buoyant smirk. "But I swear I could hear background music behind these two."

Maya places her elbow on his shoulder and throws me a sheepish smile. "Tara, meet Blake. That's his girlfriend Rosalie, and this is my girlfriend Cheryl."


That's Blake.

What would I ever do without you, anxiety?

Cheryl and Rosalie offer me generous smiles, which I try my best to return. "Sorry," I say to no one in particular, "I thought he was, you know--"

Sahil cocks a questioning eyebrow upwards. "Whoa."

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