thursday, august 18th

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KEY: Tara / Sahil

good morning, star

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good morning, star

I'm just getting ready to leave for your place

Last night was the best night of my life.

morning, love

sorry I had to make an early exit, I was worried about Maa

last night was absolutely magical

I can't wait for you to fall in love with Hills High

maybe if you like the school enough, you'd do me the honour of attending every day

I could never pass up the chance to see your face every day :)

btw, your volunteering ends today haha

so I don't have to help you anymore? how lovely

you never did help me, mister

all you wanted to do was *cough* flirt *cough*

I plead not guilty

also, Sahil? How are things with your parents?

I'm sorry if I worsened everything, it wasn't my place to say

I think they're scared of you. 

They've always been able to control me because, well, they could cut my allowance off and throw me out of their house 

but they can't do anything about you and that terrifies them

what's the plan for us, then?

I'm seriously considering getting a job

I don't want their allowance anymore. I can finish senior year on my own and get into a good college without them holding it over my head in every conversation

and, surprise surprise, I'm moving in with Blake this evening

you're leaving the house?

I am

I have an interview at the town cinema hall tomorrow, they seem to have an opening for a part-time job

FINALLY, I get to do things my way

I'll go with you


to the interview. Just to ease my nerves, that's all

I love you. 

don't worry, okay? Everything will fall into place

have you been planning this for long?

I know it will. I applied for the job a week ago, but yesterday made me realise I needed to cut ties with my parents quickly before they ruined every speck of happiness in my life. So yeah, I called Blake and the cinema hall coordinator after you left and managed to fix stuff up

We're moving my stuff to Blake's this evening and then I'll get to leave this prison forever 

And star, do you remember asking me why I volunteered to be a DV?

yeah, but you never told me

I do a lot of volunteer work at school and at the orphanage. It started two years ago with me wanting to avoid going home to the speech therapist my parents had appointed for the sole purpose of "curing my sickness". I don't play any sports and was too insecure in my speech back then to try out for drama club, so I asked my teacher if there was anything I could help her with after school. 

She was the one who introduced me to volunteering and told me that all the certificates and feedback forms will help me get into a university of my choice in the future. I found so much joy in doing it that I completely forgot about how crucial it is to my university applications. But hey, here we are today. Fingers crossed I get into JHU

You will. I love you, Sahil Roy. You inspire me everyday.

I do?

yes. You do realise how brave you are, right?

I'm so lucky to have met you


who knew you could be so romantic, star?

I didn't know either

and I'm not saying this because you're my boyfriend. I'm saying it because you need to know that you deserve the whole world and nothing less <3

They may not see it now. They may never have seen it. 

But you're gonna prove them wrong one day. I'm sure of that.

wait a second

someone just threw a coin at my window

that would be me

I couldn't bring myself to take my father's car, so I walked instead

stop waving at me and come down, your highness

just give me a second, I'm gonna tell Maa I'm leaving

I feel like an idiot for not making a grand appearance in an Audi or something

you don't mind walking to school, do you?

coins are just as charming, don't worry

we could take my scooter if you'd like

you're my dream girl, star

oh, I know ;)


a/n: three more chapters to go.

a/n: three more chapters to go

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