The Fallen Saiyan

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He wanted revenge. He wanted to avenge his crews. He wanted to defeat Frieza in order to save the Planet Vegeta, but it was too late for that. Well, it was a very long story.

After clearing a society on the Planet Kanassa as the Great Apes, a weakened survivor emerged, catching Bardock off-guard and instilled in the Saiyan the ability of precognitive foresight. This ability, the Kanassan believed it will over time serve Bardock with vengeance for the crimes the Saiyans committed in the name of Frieza.

While in recovery after the platoon's return to Planet Vegeta, Bardock met with what he passed off as a delusion. In his vision, he witnessed the destruction of his home planet by the hand of Frieza and also sees the salvation of the planet Earth through his son, Kakarot. During this time, presiding doctors attest that Bardock's power level was approaching ten thousand and that at this rate he may surpass the strength of the Saiyan monarch, King Vegeta.

Bardock was still out of commission when Frieza executed his selfish plan to resolve the paranoia he was experiencing. Following Frieza's orders, the capable Soldiers Tora, Fasha, Borgos, and Shugesh are instructed to clear the civilization of Planet Meat.

During their visit to the planet, the group encountered one of Frieza's most dangerous minions, Dodoria, and his elites, who betrayed them by Frieza's orders and make short work of Bardock's Team. When Bardock was informed that his team has accepted an offer on planet Meat, a still injured Bardock hurriedly made preparations to pursue his friends, unaware of the dangers that await at his destination.

On his way to his Attack Ball, he came across to see his newborn son Kakarot and checked his power level to see if his visions about him growing up to be a strong warrior was true, but disregarded the notion after seeing that his son only has an average power level.

Eventually, once upon Meat, Bardock discovered his ravaged comrades and, to some fortune, found that Tora was alive but in critical condition. Vowing to avenge the four, Bardock removed Tora's armband, now soaked in blood, and done it over his head. Bardock was suddenly assaulted by Dodoria's Elite, although for a low-class Saiyan, he was able to dominate over the elite-class fighters until Dodoria launched a Energy Cannon, overpowering Bardock, blasting him into his friends' dead bodies and leaving him for dead.

Bardock barely survived this attack and coming to terms with the fact that his visions are actual premonitions and not a case of delirium. He desperately struggled against time to return to Planet Vegeta and change the grim fate of his people.

Upon his return to the planet, he immediately began spreading the word of danger, but his panic as well as the state of his condition only leaded the other Saiyans to believe Bardock was overreacting after having finally met his match during a typical mission.

Angry at the reaction he has received, Bardock yelled at the other Saiyans for their disbelief and they are stunned into silence. Bardock realized the hopelessness of his situation, but his son appeared into him in a vision and Bardock gone into a frenzy takes to the skies where Frieza's Spaceship was orbiting in a last resort effort to throttle Frieza's plan to eradicate the Saiyans. As Bardock displayed an abnormal ability to fend off hundreds of Frieza's soldiers, Frieza decided that the situation was growing out of hand. Frieza's decision was solidified by his perceived insolence of another Saiyan, King Vegeta, who has invaded Frieza's Spaceship with his servants in an attempt to rescue their prince, Vegeta.

After killing King Vegeta and his Royal Guard, Frieza stepped out into the orbit of Planet Vegeta where he encountered Bardock who insisted that the Saiyans refuse to continue being oppressed and commanded by the tyrant and announces his intentions to avenge all killed for Frieza's cause.

Intending to wipe out the Saiyans anyway, Frieza does not see a problem with Bardock's allegation and somewhat patiently listened to Bardock's speech, staking out the perfect opportunity to commence his genocide. This opening comes when Bardock attempted to kill Frieza using a Final Spirit Cannon which Frieza retaliated with by laughing maniacally as he expanded a charging Supernova which absorbed Bardock's blast. Within moments, the Supernova was set free from Frieza's fingertip and careened through numerous bystander soldiers en route toward Planet Vegeta; Bardock was among the first of many to be consumed by the ball of energy.

As he was incinerated within the Supernova, Bardock has one final vision, that of his son Kakarot challenging and defeating Frieza, which brings a smile to his face. His regret, however, was that he never had a chance to hold his infant son in his arms before his child was commissioned to Earth only days after being born.

Kakarot... it's up to you! You must avenge the Saiyans and Planet Vegeta! My son... thank you helping me. You were right. It wasn't too late. I should've held you in my hands...

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