Inuyasha's Return

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Kagome felt warmth wrapped around her as the sun began to rise in the sky and peaked through the paper door of the room that she and Bardock shared. She opened her icy blue eyes and held her breath when she saw Bardock's sleeping face in front of her. Her face turned cherry red as she noticed that he was holding her close to his chest. He was sleeping peacefully as she continued to stare at him. She had to admit that he looked quite handsome when he was sleeping. Soon enough he opened his eyes and his cobalt irises were gazing at her.

"Good morning." Bardock greeted with a smile.

"Good morning." Kagome greeted back with the same gesture.

"How is your morning?" He asked.

She blushed, chuckling nervously. "Okay... But it feels great. Not until you slept next to me."

"Did I bother you?" He asked, hoping he doesn't bother her a lot.

Kagome smiled at him. "No. You didn't. I thought it would be nice staying by your side, making you comfortable."

He smiled back. "I'm glad I could comfort you as well."

Later on that day, the two decided to leave the village and headed back to the Edo Village. To Kagome, it was a nice and steady pace for both of them. When she was with Inuyasha four years ago, they were always in a hurry. A hurry to where exactly? She questioned why he would just expect a jewel to just appear right in front of him. That did happen a few times. He believed that he had the right to choose which direction despite everyones' opinions. She guessed Inuyasha must be too rushed to find the jewel shards, which annoys Kagome a lot.

Suddenly, Kagome's eyes narrowed as she sensed an all too familiar presence. One that she hadn't felt in a long time and didn't expect to feel again.

Bardock figured out what was wrong with Kagome. "Is something wrong?"

"It can't be...! I thought I never see him again!" Kagome gasped.

"Him? Is it Inuyasha?" He asked.

She didn't say a word. She just spun around and gave Bardock a relief look that she looked too happy but sad.

"It's him."


At the same time, when Inuyasha and Kouichi got out of the dark void, they turned around and saw a female figure running toward them. Inuyasha's mouth falls open when he sees Kagome alongside a make figure. At the same time, Kouichi turns and sees them

They could see Kagome's eyes widen. "Inu... yasha...? Is that you?"


"Inuyasha!" Kagome screamed and ran towards him. Inuyasha took her into his arms and started crying. He embraced the young priestess tightly to him and they both fall to the ground.

In the meantime, Bardock hangs back, watching the happy scene. He is delighted that Kagome has found Inuyasha but can't help feeling a little hurt. He knew he doesn't have the right to feel that way, but he can't help it. He saw how happy Kagome is to have her best friend or soon-to-be loved one back.

Kouichi dispersed to give those two love birds a little privacy, and Bardock decided it would be best to leave this place since she finally found the love of her life. He knew Kagome would be happier with Inuyasha than him before. He did his job; he helped Kagome protect the villagers, help villagers, and help her find Inuyasha as promised. It was time to move on.

"Bardock, where are you doing?" A certain voice asked when Bardock turned his head and Kagome standing in front of him.

He smiled at Kagome and says, "It's time for me to go. I helped you and the villagers, and find Inuyasha, so my work here is done."

A sudden sense of dread entered Kagome, the kind she had never felt before. The last thing she wanted was for Bardock to leave her, "No! You don't have to go. You've helped us since we met and ever since we could find Inuyasha someday. I didn't want you to go on your own. You can always stay in the Edo Village."

"I don't know if it's a good idea, Rick. I do better on my own," Bardock said, and he saw a sadness enter her eyes when she was convincing him to stay. Even though he almost claim Kagome as his mate, he didn't want Inuyasha to find out about them.

Then he sighed in defeat, "Alright, I'll stay for a little while. Maybe the night, and that's it."

Kagome smiled in relief.

"Hey, Kags. Who's this guy?" Inuyasha asked curiously with arms crossed?

"Inu, this is Bardock, he is the Saiyan. Shippo, Kirara, and I have found him at the Sacred Tree three months ago."

Inuyasha was not expecting the Saiyan to be so young and so handsome. Inuyasha instantly does not like Bardock as his jealousy rises. He walked towards him and give him a fake smile, "It's nice to meet you, Bardock, I'm Inuyasha. I want to thank you for protecting Kagome."

Bardock also gave him a fake smile, "Hello, Inuyasha, and it was nothing. It's the least I could do for Kagome's village. After all, if she hadn't found me, I would've been dead."

Then Kouichi took a step forward. "I am Kouichi. I have helped Inuyasha escape from the dark void. If I didn't find him, he would have died."

"Likewise, Kouichi," Bardock said.

Kagome smiled at him and bowed down to him. "Thank you for saving him, Kouichi."

"No problem." He said. After that, Kagome leaned up and kissed Inuyasha on the lips, laying claim to him and causing Bardock to turn green with envy. Inuyasha had been hoping that Bardock was watching, but he was engrossed in talking to Kouichi to notice.

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