The Lost Smile

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It's been two months since Bardock had recovered his injuries and decided to help Kagome to protect the Edo Village from the demons. The villagers were curious about him at first, but they soon got along with him. He also sparred Kagome from time to time. To make sure his Saiyan abilities wouldn't get rusty.

However, there were times that he joined Kagome on a mission to slain a demon in the demon country. Kagome had told Bardock everything about how demons were too powerful which he was amazed. He also amazed of how demons and humans lived in harmony after she and her friends had defeated Naraku and made the Shikon Jewel disappear forever. He was quite amazed on how demons were powerful but not as powerful at the Great Ape just like his kind, the Saiyans.

Some of the jobs were too easy for Bardock, there were difficult ones as well. Right now, they walked towards their destination.

"Where are we going, Kagome?" Bardock asked.

"I want you to meet my friends Sango and Miroku. They're really good friends of mine." Kagome said.

"Then I can't wait to meet them." Bardock said excitedly as Kagome couldn't help but to smile towards him.


"Kagome!" The woman yelled out her name when she spotted him and Kagome coming towards them.

"Sango!" Kagome yelled back before she ran towards her then hugged her tightly. The two started to talk as Bardock came towards Kagome's side.

Sango spotted the man who stood beside them. "Kagome, who is this man?" She asked, curiously.

"This is Bardock. Shippo, Kirara, and I found him at the Tree of Ages two months ago. Bardock, this is my best friend and sister, Sango and the man beside her is her husband, Miroku." Kagome said.

"It's nice to meet you, Sango and Miroku." Bardock greeted kindly.

"A pleasure as yours, Mr. Bardock." Miroku greeted back.

"Likewise, Bardock." Sango said, smiling.


Throughout the whole afternoon, Bardock was helping out with Miroku in the fields while discovering the demons. The demon snakes ambushed before Bardock manged to dodge the snake bite and saved Miroku's life. It was so close for Bardock and Miroku. The demon snakes almost bite them. Bardock raised out his hand then blasted them into dusts with his spirit bomb. He accidentally blasted the field as he sweatdropped.

"Sorry, Miroku." Bardock muttered nervously.

He smiled, padding his strong left shoulder. "It's okay, Bardock. It was too close. By the way, thanks for saving me from the snake bite."

"No problem. But I'll fix the fields for you and your family." He said.

"Oh, no! You don't have to fix the field. It's not your fault. I could sent the men to bury the crater field, so everything went back to normal." Miroku said.

"Okay. I could do for Kagome's village."

"Well, the villagers were also to thankful for helping Kagome." Miroku said.

"What do you mean?" Bardock asked curiously.

He sighed sadly. "When Inuyasha was stuck in the Meido Zangetsuha void, he ends up snared by the image of Lady Kikyo. Poor Lady Kagome had made a wish for the jewel to stay in the feudal era then disappeared forever. However, the Shikon Jewel had refused Kagome to return back to the feudal era because she doesn't belong here. She blamed herself of Inuyasha's disappearance and she has been unable to move on because she still loves him."

Bardock couldn't help but to feel bad for Kagome. He had lost the love ones the same way he has lost his comrades, his planet Vegeta, and even his son Kakarot. He looked over his shoulder to see Kagome who looked very happy. He smiled of seeing her happy. He was glad she wasn't very sad of anything.

"By the way, Bardock," Miroku said as Bardock looked back, "ever since you arrived, she has been smiling more because you've made her happy."


Miroku nodded. "Yes. I could tell you've made her very happy when you were new in this village."


They spun around and saw Kagome was running towards them. She was smiling happily, waving at him with her bare hand.

"Hey, Kagome."

"Bardock, I wanted you to meet my adopted son. You'll love him." Kagome said as she took his hand.

He chuckled, blushing softly. "Sure thing, Kagome."

Miroku watched them holding their hands while walking towards their destination. He couldn't help but to smile. "I wonder if Bardock will ever be Kagome's first true love."

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