Chapter Fifteen

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"I can't believe Elliot's dead." Luther said as he covered Elliot with a blanket
"He was a good guy. Deserved better than this." Diego says
Luther and I agreed to that and we had a short little moment of silence for him.
"Elliot must've been getting to close to the truth. It smells like the feds." Diego told us as he walked up to the railing
"What? Are you out of your mind?" Luther asked him
"We all go a little mad sometimes." I told Luther with a forced smile
"I'm gonna ignore your Alice in Wonderland quote. Diego, if this was the federal government they would've taken him somewhere and question him. They wouldn't... do this." Luther explained
"No, this is the work of a psychopath." Luther said
"Ooo, I wonder if they're like joker or magneto." I joked, I tried to hide the fact that I'm actually pretty shaken up by the fact that Elliot is dead, and the way he died.
(If you don't know who those two are, they're two comic book villains or in jokers case, psychopaths)
"Öga Fröga. That a name?" Diego asked
"I'll look her up." Luther said
I was about to object but I wanted to see how long this would last. I sat at the table and watched as they searched through the phone book. They found the name and decided to call her up. I heard some movement in the living room but was too amused to do anything about it.
"You killed one of ours, Olga, now we're coming after you. You will be dead by nightfall." Diego said into the phone
I choked on my coffee and was about to tell him what the message actually was but I got cut off.
"Hey. It's Öga För Öga, idiots. Swedish for 'an eye for an eye.' It means the Swedes killed Elliott." Five said
I looked at him and saw that he was covered in blood, I stood up and walked towards him with widened eyes.
"Uh, you have some blood on you." Luther told him
"A lot of blood actually." Diego added on
Five walked off somewhere else which increased my worry.
"Five what did you do?" Luther questioned
I followed Five into the bathroom and closed the door so we could talk in private.
"Did someone hurt you?" I asked him
He shook his head which made me have to ask the question I didn't want to.
"Did you hurt someone?"
He hesitated before turning on the tap and getting a cloth.
"Are you alright?" I put my hand on his arm so that he might actually look at me.
He just started to wash the blood off of him, I could tell he was a bit bothered by what ever happened. I grabbed the cloth from his hand and took it away so he would look at me.
"What happened? And don't tell me you're alright cause I know you're not." I say to him as I try to get him to at least speak about it.
I took a breath and motioned for him to sit down, he did and so it gave me the opportunity to help him get the blood off.
(Hmmm, I wonder what this scene parallels, 🤣 you don't have to say don't worry, I'm just being cocky. Sorry)
I finished getting it off his face very quickly and smiled. He didn't tell me what happened yet so I moved his hair to the side and kissed the top of his head.
"Whatever happened you did for a good reason." I smiled at him and moved out of the way so he could get back to the mirror.
"I'll tell you one day. But right now we gotta hurry." He tells me
I nodded and hurried out of the bathroom to finish my cup of coffee.
"So I found a way home." Five tells us
"What? How?" Luther questioned
"All the details are irrelevant, but...I made a deal to her back to our timeline." Five said as he adjusted his tie.
"What about doomsday?"
"Won't happen."
"What about the 2019 apocalypse?"
"Everything will be back to normal. All right? Now, no more questions. We gotta go. We have to find the others, right." Five explained
"Luther, you get Allison. Diego, Klaus. I'll get Vanya. Now we meet back in the arrival alley in 77 minutes." Five said as he grabbed four items
"Here, I've synchronized these watches." He tells us as he gives them.
"Okay, let's do this." Luther says
"Woah woah woah woah hold up. You show up drenched in blood and expect us to believe everything's gonna go back to normal if we go home now?" Diego questioned obviously suspicious
"Elliott just got killed because of us." Five shot back
"What about Dad? What about JFK?" Diego asked
"Diego, we have a chance to go home and make things right. We are taking it." Five told him
"I have to say goodbye to Lila." Diego said
"Lila doesn't give a shit about you, Diego! She never did. She's one of them. She's a member of the commission." Five told him
"No way. Not possible."
"She was just using you to get to me. You're the Oswald of this story, my friend. The goddamned patsy." Five said as he walked away
"You don't know what you're -" Diego got cut off by Five jumping right in front of him
"If you don't do this, I'll kill you myself. Got it?"
"Wait! What do I do?" I ask Five
He grabbed my wrist and jumped. (The subtitles on Netflix say 'wooshes'.I don't know why but I find that funny)

We showed up in front of the flower shop.
"Okay, please be quick and say your goodbyes." Five instructed
I nodded and was about to go inside when I quickly ran up and gave Five a hug.
"Thank you for dropping me off."
I go inside and see Mel, sitting at the counter smiling wide.
"Mel, can I talk to you?" I ask her
She nodded and followed me upstairs.
"Melly. I have to leave, for good." I tell her
The colour washed out of her face and a tear rolled down her eye.
"Did something happen?" She asked me
"We found a way to get home. But it means we have to leave. I just want to thank you for everything you did for me, you were my saviour and my family away from my family, you mean so much to me and I will always remember you." I started to cry halfway through my speech.
"Girly, I can't hold you back from going home, but, it doesn't mean I don't want you to stay here." She broke down crying and reached out to hug me.
"I love you Mom." I told her
"I love you too Y/N."
She let go of me and put something around my neck, the gold locket that she normally wears was draping around me.
"Mel, I can't take this." I tried to reason
"I already have a piece of you, I have this entire flower shop to remember you by. You can at least have this so that you can have a bit of my always with you." She tells me as she stokes my head
We headed over to the front door of the shop and stayed there for a little bit.
"You're one of the people I've met. I hope you have a good life." I tell her
"You too kiddo." She smiled and pulled me into another hug, I didn't want to let go but I knew time was short.
"Goodbye Melody." I said with puffy eyes and wet cheeks
"Goodbye Y/N."
I ran back to the alleyway, and I didn't stop running until I was there cause if I stopped then I would want to run back to her.
When I reached the alleyway I kept pacing in circles and shaking my hands, anything to keep me from going back. Five and Luther where there, but no one else was.
"Where's everyone else?" I asked
"Don't know but we don't have too long." Five told me
Klaus appeared from around the corner walking very oddly.
"We made it." He said as he made his way too us
"What do you mean we?" Five asked him
He started doing these weird gestures and his arms were all over place.
"I think he's finally lost his mind." I joke
Klaus hunched over and threw up then collapsed onto the floor.
"I can't believe it, I mean. You're here." Luther said
"We got eight minutes left."
"I just had the strangest dream." Klaus whimpered on the floor
"Where are the others?"
I started to panic more as time started to run out.
"We got a minute left." Luther said angrily as he slammed his hand on a dumpster
"It was a simple task. It was a simple task! All we had to do was be here! Didn't have to dig by a giant sea monster, no. An army of mutants? Nein. It was handed to us on a silver platter." Five started to complain and get angrier
"Shit, come one guys." I said to myself
The briefcase began to make noises, Five threw it and it disappeared.
"We were that close." Five said
I groaned and took in a deep breath. I sharp pain came to my head, like a train, something was wrong.

AGAIN! (Book two of Once A Rival a Five x Reader) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now