Since When Do You Speak Japanese?

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3rd Person POV

SADIE: Landon had some plan to go and make Dr Saltzman listen to him cause Dr S was ignoring him. Raf was going with him already but Landon wanted me to join because...I don't know. All I know is I'm getting food out of it

Sadie walks out of her room, closing the door behind her and putting her hands in the pocket of her hoodie

She starts walking down the hall, going to meet up with Raf and Landon outside

She walks down the stairs

"Nightshade!" Sadie hears, turning around and seeing Lizzie walk over to her. "Just the hybrid I wanted to see."

"I'm the only hybrid." Sadie tells her

"Whatever." Lizzie says, grabbing Sadie's hand and pulling her to an alcove in the hallway where no one else was. "I need your help?"

"You need my help?" Sadie asks

"Don't flatter yourself." Lizzie says. "You're the only competent witch around here right now."

"I'll take it as a compliment. What's up?" Sadie asks

Lizzie pulls up her sleeve to reveal...a rash that looks very red and very bad

"Oh my god!" Sadie exclaims, grabbing Lizzie's arm and examining it

"Shhh!" Lizzie yells at her. "Is there anything in that hybrid head that can voodoo this away?"

Sadie looks at Lizzie's arm

Then she looks at Lizzie

"This...this looks like black magic..." Sadie whispers

"Ugh, Josie!" Lizzie mutters, pulling her arm away and pulling the sleeve down

Lizzie leaves

"You sure we should be doing this?" Raf asks as the three walk towards the school

"If Dr. Saltzman thinks he can ignore my calls like we don't live in the same town, he's got another thing coming." Landon says. "Namely monsters, because if they're back and after me now, I must've done something to screw up the night the Malivore pit went dry. And if me and Sadie can't remember any of it, we need his help to figure out what changed and how to fix it, or we're all in danger." Raf is silent, looking around. "Are you even listening to me?"

"Yeah, I'm always listening." Raf says

"Well, do you speak anymore?" Landon asks. "I mean, ever since you got back to school, your sentences have averaged three words each."

"That's not true." Raf says

"That's three words." Landon says

Raf gets distracted by something

"Look, I know you say you're fine, but you were stuck as a wolf for a pretty long time." Landon says

"Yeah, and I'm back now. So it's all good." Raf says

"Thanks to Hope." Landon says

"Yeah, she was pretty incredible." Raf says with a laugh

Landon and Raf walk into the school

Sadie follows

"So that is why you came with me." Landon says

"What?" Raf asks

"You just want to see Hope again?" Landon asks

"I'm gonna go look around." Sadie says, leaving the two in the middle of the hallway

Sadie Auburn //Book Two// - Legacies - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now