snowball fight

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"Omi-kun look how much snow we got!" Atsumu cheered, going to open the door to their balcony.

"Miya- if you go outside and get sick, I'm kicking your ass out."

"Kay- well let's put on our coats and go!"

"And do what, freeze to death? No way." Sakusa rejected, shivering as if he could feel the freezing temperature.

"We could have a snowball fight!"

"Maybe but-"

"No buts! We're doin' it!" Atsumu interjected, running out of the living room to get their coats. "Here Omi-kun! Don't wantcha to freeze!"

"I- what?"

The blond turned towards his boyfriend, giving him a look that said 'The hell do you mean what?'

"I don't want to go outside."

"Omi, ya need sunlight- almost thought ya were a vampire earlier!"

"Bitch- it's snowing, tell me where the sun is?" Sakusa countered, vividly gesturing out the door.

"Ya know what I mean, please come out with me? Oh- it could be a great bonding experience!"

"We live together- what more bonding do we need?"

"Please? I only need five minutes!"

"Fine- after the five minutes are up, I'm leaving." Sakusa reluctantly agreed.

The couple started zipping up their coats and pulling their hats over their heads. The wavy haired man opened the door, allowing his boyfriend to dance into the blanketed backyard.

"Omi-kun yer so kind! Makes me feel super fancy."

"I hope you feel fancy when I shove your head in this snow."

Dramatically falling to the ground, Atsumu began to make snow angels. "Omi- make one too!"

"No thanks."

[four minutes later]

"Okay Miya, I'm going back inside."

"Okay!" Atsumu replied, balling up a bunch of snow. He drew his hand back, and threw it; it landed right in the center of Sakusa's back.

"What. The. Fuck?"



Another hit, but luckily Sakusa dodged it. He bent over to pick up some snow, with a menacing smile, and that's when Atsumu knew- he messed up.

"Omi-kun! W-wait aren't ya gonna go back in?"

"Aw, Miya, you convinced me to come outside to have fun. Let's have some fun?"

"I- ah! It's been five minutes though, I bet yer feelin' real cold right now!" The blond jeered, though he was in no position to be teasing. Sakusa had hit him right under his chin, and we all know Sakusa throws hard, so Atsumu fell over.

"You know something about getting revenge is making me warmer."

"I'm not gonna lie Omi-kun, ya look pretty hot right now- ya know all mad 'n mean."

"I'm literally going to kill you!"

Atsumu used his boyfriend's anger as a distraction to ball up some more snow and throw one at him again.

"W-wait Omi! I didn't mean to do- wait no not that!"

Sakusa grabbed a bucket to scoop up enough snow and laughed. "No. I still going to throw this snow at yo-"

"What? Ya realize yer in love with me and can't pummel me with snow?"

"No dumbass- the lights just turned on! And we're outside."

"Are we gonna die?"

"What the fuck- you're an adult." Sakusa murmured. "Hide right here so we can see what's going on."

"No way Omi-kun I'm not gonna let ya die! AHHH!" Atsumu shouted as the intruder walked outside, throwing the snow in their face.

"'Tsumu, what the fuck?"

"What the hell're ya doing here?"

"Ohh I forgot we were going to watch a movie and have dinner tonight!"

Suna laughed. "Well they always say, time flies when you're having fun!"

"Yeah Sakusa- why're you out here, in the snow, with 'Tsumu?"

"We fuckin live together 'Samu!"

"He convinced me to come out in the snow with him." Sakusa explained.

"That sounds about right."
a/n: yooo!
happy first of december!

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