trying eggnog

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kagehina + natsu

"Tobio-chan, have you ever had eggnog?" Natsu asked as she slid beside her brother in-law.

"No, is it any good?"

"I don't know, what about you Sho?"

"Don't look at me- never had it either!"

Natsu smiled. Then she ran into her room, leaving the adults who were supposed to be supervising her confused. When she came out she had her laptop and a camera.

"What's that for?"

"Since none of us have tried eggnog- I thought we could make a video of us trying some for my Youtube channel or something!"

Shoyo turned around to look at his sister. "Why do you have a Youtube channel?"

"Because people actually like me and want to get to know me!"

"I hope you know you're copying me."

"Oh please, do you even know how to use it?" She exclaimed.

"Better than you- I'm an adult after all!"

"I didn't know old people knew how to use technology!"

Shoyo let out a dramatic gasp. "You take that back, I'm only six years older than you!"

Tobio silently got out of his chair and began walking to the door. The Hinatas whipped their heads to look at him. "You guys don't have any eggnog, so I was going to get some." He answered.


"Carry on then."


"Hey guys! Welcome back to my Youtube channel!" Natsu smiled as she waved to her camera. "Today I'm with my brother in-law and my older brother."

"Oh come on!"

"But today we're gonna be trying eggnog!"

"Earlier, Tobio went to go get some cause we didn't have any."

They slid the drink and cups into the frame. Tobio took the jug and poured a little into the three cups.

"Ooh we should drink these like shots!" Natsu suggested. Shoyo and Tobio looked at each other, then Natsu.


"How do you know how to take shots?"

"Um, next question please!" She announced, before picking her cup up and drinking the whole thing.

"How does she take better shots than I do?"

"That was gross!"

Next Tobio drank some, then made a face. "Ew."

"You know, I bet I could drink more than both of you!" It was Shoyo. Natsu looked at the camera, then Tobio, and finally her brother.

"You haven't even tried any yet! How do you know if you'll like it?"

"Doesn't matter- I have a strong stomach!"

Once again, Tobio and Natsu looked at each other. "The only way it'll affect your stomach is if you're lactose intolerant- other than that it's your taste buds!"

"And don't lie, we all know you have sensitive taste buds!"

But Shoyo wasn't listening as he drank about half his cup. He shook his head then drank the rest. His sister and husband gaped at him.


"You- you drank more than me," Tobio murmured, as he picked his cup up and downed the rest. "Ugh."

"I thought it was gross?"

"Didn't you say the same thing?"

Natsu looked at them, then rolled her eyes and faced the camera, "These two are idiots, please donate to the Natsu Hinata cashapp, so I can leave this place- I'll put the link in the caption."

"You can't leave, we're babysitting you!"

"My name is 'betterthansho_natsu' it would really mean a lot to me."

"Another round."

"The hell is this, a bar?" She muttered, opening the jug and pouring more.

"Why'd you get a small one?"

"Cause what if none of us liked it? Then it'd go to waste!"


(ten minutes later)

"So, these idiots ended up drinking the entire jug and they got stomach aches!"

"Don't- hegh- say it like it's a good thing."

"You guys should've listened to me." Natsu smiled, picking her camera and showing the two adults; laying on the floor in various positions.

"Ugh- I feel like I'm gonna throw up." Shoyo exclaimed, getting up to go to the bathroom.

"Well, that's it for the video- you should like and subscribe if you wanna see these two adults being idiots! Byee!"

"You're not posting that."

"Sorry, I'm already editing!"



this is me bringing my natsu hinata world domination plan into action- and if you couldn't tell this was fun to write!

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