ice skating

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mikashou (mika+daishou)

"You know Suguru, I'm glad we could do this. Ever since you quit the volleyball club you've been so busy."

"I'm sorry about that Yamaka."

"It's okay- I love ice skating!" Mika replied cheerily, causing Daishou to let out a deep sigh. "You don't want to go ice skating with me?"

"No- No I do it's just, I don't know how to ice skate."

"What? Why didn't you tell me that when I suggested it?"

"I knew it'd make you happy, and I didn't want to mess it up."

Mika turned to look at her boyfriend. "Aww! I just hope you don't fall flat on your ass!"


"Well anyone who can skate will fall on their ass- unless they're like an olympian or something- but 'first timers' are much more prone to falling."

"Yamaka! What if I fall and bust my pants- and everyone sees my ass?" Daishou panicked.

"No one will see your ass unless you're not wearing underwear. You are, right!"

""Of course I am!"

"Okay then- and you shouldn't fall hard enough to split your pants."

This seemed to comfort him, and he also took the slightly annoyed tone in his girlfriend's voice as the queue to shut up. They were much closer to the rink than Daishou anticipated, and his hands were beginning to get sweaty as his anxiety increased. Mika noticed this and gripped his hand just a little bit harder.

When they walked into the rink, they were immediately greeted by the clerk who asked them their shoe sizes.

"A 6 for me and an 11 for him." Mika announced, waiting for the man to give them their skates. "Thank you!"

"Have a good time!"

Mika led them to a bench where they could change their shoes.

"Make sure to tie them tightly so they don't come loose when you're on the ice."


When they stepped on to the ice, Daishou immediately started to wobble.

"Hahahaha-" He knew that laugh, that laugh belonged to the most annoying person ever (in Daishou's opinion), Kuroo Tetsurō.

"Imagine not being able to skate!"

"Suguru, are you okay, you look tense."

"Oh I'm fine let's go!"

Mika looked over her shoulder and saw Kuroo and Yaku smiling and laughing. "Oh aren't those your friends from Nekoma? You should go say hi!"

Daishou grimaced, then turned to Mika, he was going to ask her if he had to- but as soon as he saw her face he knew she wasn't playing. So he walked, yes walked (even in his skates, on the ice), over to his rivals.

"Hello Daishou."

"I was told to say hi- now goodbye."

"Mika-chan! How are you?" Kuroo announced, as she skated up to them.

"I'm good, I'm also gonna steal Suguru, so I can help him skate!"

Kuroo's eyes widened. Yaku's eyes widened. Daishou's eyes widened. And poor Mika didn't realize what she did. Kuroo and Yaku ended up skating off the ice, desperately trying not to laugh.

"Okay, so first you need to put your weight on both of your feet- evenly."


"Then like you would on a skateboard, push a foot back- n- like slide it back."

"Okay, like this?" Daishou asked, attempting to copy his girlfriend's movements.

"Yeah- then you want to rely on your legs- but kind of lean forward." Mika began.  "But don't."

"Yamaka, I love you- but that didn't make any sense."

"At least try it? so I can try to explain it better."

"Okay, just for you." He smiled pushing his foot, instantly regretting it. Somehow he missed the ice entirely and almost face planted. Luckily, Mika caught his arm before he could eat shit (or ice considering they're skating).

"You know what, let's go get something to eat."

"W-what? I thought you wanted to go skating."

"I do, but I want to spend time with you more!"

Daishou's heart swelled in his chest, his eyes started watering, and on top of that he was shivering. "Yamaka! I love you so much, but please stop- I'm going to cry!"

"You're being dramatic- but come on before we freeze." Mika added, before she skated off the ice.
a/n: guys this was so easy to write for some reason-the next chapter should be up like tomorrow hopefully.

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