making snow cream

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"Hey Lev- it's snowing!"

"Wait really?"

"Yeah I'm gonna make snow cream!" Yaku decided, going to grab a bowl. Lev slowly turned to look at him.

"Are you gonna jack off in the snow?"

Yaku turned his head to face his friend. Lev on the other hand wanted to know why his friend would jack off in the snow, because surely his duck would fall off.

"Look me dead in my eye and tell me why I would do that?"

"I'm not you Yaku, maybe that's a kink you have!"


"I don't kink-shame." Lev responded, and from the looks of it- was pretty serious.

"Lev snow cream is snow, milk and sugar."

"Oh- can I get some then?"

"Make your own!"

Lev ran into the kitchen to get bowls.

"Ok i'll go get the snow Yaku!"

The shorter man shrugged, then he looked up when he heard the door open. Lev went out in his t-shirt and boxers- and was preparing to scoop the snow.

"Lev- dumbass, why would you scoop the snow for snow cream?"

"Yaku- that's a dumb question, how else would I get the snow?"

"If you scoop the snow off the ground, it'll be dirty and taste like shit!" Yaku exclaimed, he was truly shocked that Lev didn't understand that.

"- How do you know what shit tastes like?"

"I'm not doing this shit today Lev- I'll kick your ass!"

"Okay where do we put the bowl then?"

"Anywhere higher than the ground, like a car or a counter or something."

"Well I'll put it up high." Lev grinned. Of all the short jokes he's made, this was the one he didn't know he made. Honestly the only way someone could tell if it was in a mocking way was if they squinted and turned their head. Lev must've done just that because his eyes comically widened, "Wait Yaku before you hit me- just know that I didn't mean it! I didn't even realize I said it until I looked at you!"


"I'm gonna go!" Lev turned around with both bowls in his hand, he opened the door and ran outside; without socks, shoes, or pants. He instantly regretted that, his toes were soaking.

He saw a birdbath and decided that since it was snowing the birds wouldn't be using it. So he carefully and strategically placed the bowls so they'd roughly get the same amount of snow. (smart ik)

"Hey- why the hell'd you go outside without clothes!"

"Dude I have clothes on- I'm not naked."

Yaku looked at him. He turned his head sideways, then to the other side. He squinted. "I can't believe you!"


"Just cause you have on boxers and a t-shirt doesn't mean you have clothes on!"

Lev looked himself up and down, then shrugged. "Oh well." He then walked over to the door to crouch down.

"What are you doing?"

"Gonna watch, duh."

"A wise man once told me a watched pot never boils."

"Okay." Lev brushed off. "We're not boiling water."

"He also said, that it can apply to anything."

"So what exactly do we do then?"

"We wait!" Yaku smiled.

"How long?"

"Maybe like an hour- depends on how much we're making."

"An hour?" Yaku nodded. "I'll literally combust- I can't wait that long!"

"Oh well- take a nap or something."

"Can't, too excited." Lev replied, flopping into Yaku's lap.

"You're so heavy!"

"You're strong en-ahh." Lev yawned.

"Thought you couldn't go to sleep."

"I couldn't then."

"What changed in sixty seconds?"

"Got on your lap." Lev said, closing his eyes.


It didn't take long for the two of them to fall asleep. All in all, it was a good nap, they were asleep for like an hour and a half. They woke up to lights flashing in their faces.

"Lovebirds- get the hell up!"

"Kuro, shut up, they're sleeping."

"Not anymore."

"Yo- what're these bowls for?" Kuroo asked, laying the forgotten bowls on the table.

"Snow cream."

"You guys jacked off in these? Eww!"

"Kuro- no."

Yaku rolled his eyes and began to explain. "You get snow, sugar, and milk, and just mix." He started to get the ingredients. As he opened the sugar a big hand came and pinched almost half it. Yaku looked up at Kuroo, who looked at Kenma, who looked at Lev, who was licking sugar off his hands.


Yaku shooed the three out of the kitchen so he could finish. It wasn't difficult to make- it would just take longer to make with them bothering him.

When he finally came out of the kitchen he had on an apron that said 'kiss the cook'. That's just what Lev did, it was a short little peck, it was over as soon as it had started.

"Gross, can I please enjoy my snow cream in peace?" Kuroo asked, grimacing.

Lev decided to pick up his spoon, he scooped up a little and ate it. He grimaced, then smiled. "It's okay I guess.
a/n: happy holidays/ merry christmas!

funny thing is i was supposed to be done with this today lol

hopefully i'll be done by next week 😜

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