watching christmas lights

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It was 9:15 and Kuroo was starting to get desperate. Earlier he and Kenma decided they wanted to go look at the christmas lights in their neighborhood, the only thing is; it's late and almost no one has their lights up anymore.

"Hey Siri, where is the closest christmas light- uh, house near me?"

"That was a stupid question." Kenma quipped, turning to look at his fiancé.

"There are five christmas light houses within ten miles of you."

Kuroo turned to Kenma with a smug smile on his face and said, "Well if Siri knows the answer then it wasn't a stupid question."

"Blah blah blah."

"Here can you put this address in so we can go?"

"75th street?"

"Yeah what about it?" Kuroo asked.

"Kuro that's on the other side of town!"

"Really, well I guess we better speed the hell up!"

"Turn left here-"

The black haired man turned to look at his fiancé, "What would I do without you Pudding?"

"Be dead."

"Well... now that that's over, you wanna see my renegade?"


"Okayy, how about we play I spy?" Kuroo suggested, frantically looking from the road to Kenma.

"Sure- you go first."

"Uh I spy with my little eye, something that's red."

Kenma looked both left and right before asking, "Inside the car or outside?"


"That stoplight?"

"What? No."

"Then the stop sign over there?" Kenma guessed, earning a head shake from Kuroo. "Well what the fuck is it I can't see anything!"

"Well if you must know, it was the big-ass ribbon on the tree over there!" Kuroo explained, smirking, while gesturing backwards in the direction of the town christmas tree.

Kenma stared blankly at him; he then blinked not once, not twice, but thrice. He was getting tired, and when he gets tired he gets easily irritated. "You mean to tell me, that you saw a 'big ass' ribbon, that we passed and thought it'd be a good idea to choose that?"

"-Yes, although I am having my doubts."

"You're pretty funny Kuro, how far are we?"

"How should I know, you have the directions!" Kuroo exclaimed.

"You don't know where we are?"

"No! You should've seen the look on your face!" Kuroo laughed, but it was cut short when he saw the look on Kenma's face. "I put the directions into the gps- we're two minutes away."

"Thank you, was that so hard?"

"Yes, I could've died." Kuroo answered solemnly before his mood totally did a 180°. "My turn since you didn't guess right!"


"I spy with my little eye, something blue- outside the car."

"Um, is it the sky?"

Kuroo gave him a weird look. "Kenma the sky is black right now."

"What? It's like a midnight blue color right now!" Kenma exclaimed, giving him an even weirder look.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm right!"

"I- what? No I'm right it's blue."

"It's black." Kuroo countered.






"Blue- dammit!" The black haired man called out, causing Kenma to smile.

"I told you!"

"One, you tricked me! And two, I wasn't even talking about that."

"Then what the hell were you talking about then?"

"The blue lights from the house down the street." He stated, pointing at the house.

"Kuro- I can barely see over this high ass dashboard, how did you expect me to see that?"

"Hm- maybe you just suck at I spy."

"Hm- maybe you just pick shitty things!" Kenma mimicked.

"Well, we're here!" Kuroo said, finally parking.

The house itself wasn't that big, but the lights sure made up for it. Somewhere there was a speaker playing christmas carols.

"Holy shit- That's bright!"

"Yeah let's go!" Kuroo announced, grabbing Kenma by the hand.

"And do what?"

"There are some lights in the back we can look at."

"Imagine if the owners of this place are murderers and if we go back there, they kill us and bury us under the lights." Kenma whispered.

"Kyanma! Why would you say that right before we go back there?"

"I didn't know you heard me, sorry."

"Well this was fun! How about we go get some ice cream?"

"Okay." The younger man agreed.

As soon as Kenma sat down in his seat, he fell asleep. But that didn't stop Kuroo from getting his ice cream. When they got home, Kenma woke up, and let's just say Kuroo regrets only getting himself ice cream.

a/n: i'm sorry this is a day late- i was procrastinating then ended up watching mha, and forgetting about it.

i'm still gonna do today's hopefully- and haikyuu off da perc, but i might just update it twice this week, idk.

this story was slightly based off a true story. 😁👍🏾 enjoy.

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