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"Shirabu-san, are you okay?" Goshiki asked, cautiously walking over to the second year.

"I'm fine- it's nothing."

"You sure Shirabu? Seemed like you've had a stick up your ass since we told you you had to clean the gym with Semi-Semi."

"Really, Tendou-san?"

"Hmm, guess my assessment was correct then." Tendou said, moving to the other side of his kouhais. "But don't worry, Semi-Semi's been the same!"

"Tendou! What did you just say about me?"

"Oh nothing!"

"Well, come on guys practice is over! I'll see you after the break, Semi and Shirabu, the key is behind the door!"

"Okay Ushijima-san!" The copper haired boy called out.

"That was fake."

At that he turned around so fast, he almost got whiplash. "What was fake?"

"Your enthusiasm, your personality, you."

"The hell do you mean I'm fake? If anything it's you!"

Semi stepped closer towards his kouhai, almost in a threatening manner. "You brat- take that back!"

"No." Shirabu replied, walking to the storage closet. "And hurry up, I'm not doing all this by myself!"

"Oh shut up, I'm coming!"

"Oh sure you are!"

"You do know that you can drop the act now." Semi suddenly announced.

"What act?"

"The whole 'I'm gonna try to one up everyone here to impress my senpais' act."

"I don't do that."

"You do." Semi countered, picking up a broom.

"When have I ever done that?"

"Like ten fucking minutes before everyone left!"

"Why would I even do that?" Shirabu snapped.

"I don't know- maybe because you feel the need to be better than everyone because you're insecure."

"What kinda dumbass accusation was that?" Shirabu exclaimed, letting his brooks fall over as he finished his side of the gym.

"Aww, did I hit a nerve?"


"Seems like I did."

"Okay, maybe you did." Shirabu started, slowly walking towards the third year. "But what about you? What's your problem?"

"My problem, easy, none."

"I'll tell you your problem. You're so hot, no ones ever told you to shut the fuck up!" Shirabu realised his mistake, he prayed to every deity that Semi didn't; but judging by the smug smirk on his face, he did.

"-You think I'm hot?"

"Well- objectively speaking, sort of, otherwise, no."

"Hmm." That was the last thing Semi said, before they started to finish up.



"I lied earlier." Shirabu blurted as they were gathering their bags.


"About saying you weren't hot."

"Really?" The ash-blond boy asked, truly.

"Yeah. And IthinkIlikeyou."

"You think you what?"

"I think I... like... you."

"Like, like-like?" Semi asked, just to be sure


"Nice, me too!"

"Cool. W-wait, what?"

"I like you too." Semi repeated, as if he'd record it millions of times before.

"How'd you say it so easy?"

"I've already come to terms with my feelings for you, I was just waiting for the right time. Semi replied coolly, locking the gym doors. Shirabu just gaped, unable to grasp the situation. "You want to go to the movies with me tomorrow?"

"Like a date?"


"Yeah, I'd like that."

There was rustling in the bushes surrounding them.

"Yay!" Tendou shouted, popping out from behind one.

"What the hell Tendou?"

"We were all waiting for you guys to confess to each other, it was getting painful to watch."


"We stayed behind, just in case you guys started fighting." Goshiki added.

"What the hell?"

"Welcome to the couple club!" Taichi exclaimed, running from beside the building. "Now run- there's a fox!"

And that's how the Shiratorizawa volleyball club began their winter break, celebrating a new relationship and running from a fox.
a/n: once again, i'm sorry this is so late.

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